Two Dudes and a Brew Podcast

Two Dudes and a Brew

Alex Kirk and Billy Edwards
Welcome to Two dudes and a Brew Podcast. In our podcast we banter and bullshit about anything and everything. Join the Brew Crew by dropping us a like and follow our podcast. Currently on Spotify and YouTube. We will have new episodes every Friday!!!
Episode 7: North Carolina Satanist?
Two Dudes and a Brew is back after a week off. This week Billy dives into a a local North Carolina Satanist who didn't give a shit.  Brew Info:Voodoo Ranger Xperimental IPA Our Patreon is live. Help us support our beer fund and keep this podcast...
Oct 30, 2020
49 min
Episode 6: The Blanchards and Chodejon
Episode 6! This week we dive into Dee Dee and Gypsy Banchard. Did Dee Dee's Child hood have a part in what happened? Also, stick around for this weeks drunk story. Brew Info:daveste vineyard's New England IPA155 Lytton Farm Rd, Troutman, NC 28166Our...
Oct 16, 2020
1 hr 32 min
Episode 5: Moonshine, Bootlegging, and Posi-titty
Episode 5! Billy goes into the history of moonshine and some famous moonshiners. Dylan has no bullshit of the week? Just posi-titty and happiness. Also, join us for this week's drunk story were Alex complains about 20 bucks and isn't a Patreon...
Oct 9, 2020
1 hr 23 min
Episode 4: Susan Smith and Billy's Birthday?
Welcome to episode 4 of Two Dudes and a Brew. The week hits home for both Dylan and Billy. Susan smith was convicted for murdering her two young sons in 1994. We dive into what happened and why. Also, Billy's birthday drunk story as well as our first...
Oct 2, 2020
1 hr 11 min
Episode 3: The 27 Club and Crazy Drunk Stories
Welcome to episode 3! We are so excited for this episode. Per request of Producer Albany, We are bantering about the 27 club! Does it have to do with Saturn rotating around the Earth or is it about a white lighter. How did so many famous and well know...
Sep 25, 2020
1 hr 21 min
Episode 2: Flat earth and Two Drunken Dudes
It's episode 2! Dylan leads this weeks topic on people who truly believe the earth is flat. Is it though? Find out in this weeks episode. In BS of the week, Billy talks about......well feces. We are introducing a new segment by popular demand, "Dylan's...
Sep 18, 2020
1 hr 15 min
Two Dudes and a Brew Episode 1: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Hollograms?!?!
It's finally here! Episode number 1. Due to it being the anniversary of 9/11, we couldn't think of a better topic to start off this podcast. This week in BS, Dylan talks about his struggles to get laid. Billy goes over crazy conspiracy theories...
Sep 11, 2020
54 min
Two Dudes and a Brew Trailer
What is up our fellow brew crew. Check out the trailer for our up coming podcast were we banter and bullshit about anything and everything. You guessed it, beer will be involved. We will be releasing an episode each week with our first episode being...
Sep 6, 2020
6 min