Two Confirmations | Crypto Over Coffee Podcast
Two Confirmations | Crypto Over Coffee
Block Brothers
Bitcoin and Blockchain: What’s the difference? - episode of Two Confirmations | Crypto Over Coffee podcast

Bitcoin and Blockchain: What’s the difference?

23 minutes Posted Mar 22, 2019 at 3:50 pm.
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Are you really excited about blockchain, but not to sure about bitcoin? Paul and Chris dive into why we believe the technology and the specific implementation of bitcoin will last. To highlight some of the aspects we think make Bitcoin special, we bring up a hot new project, the JP Morgan Coin. Centralization is a major distinguishing factor between Bitcoin and the stablecoin from JP Morgan. Another factor is the distribution of validators and nodes that decide what transactions get added to the ledger. Centralized ledgers can lead to censorship, and require the users trust the people in control of the ledger. In a decentralized system, you can own your own node, and all nodes/miners are able to submit transactions to the ledger, and every node decides if you are following or breaking the rules of the project.
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