Two Chairs No Waiting Andy Griffith Show Fan Podcast Podcast
Two Chairs No Waiting Andy Griffith Show Fan Podcast
Allan Newsome
via Podcasts
Great listen.
Look forward to hearing this podcast every week. Keep up the great work.
Tow man Shelby n.c.
Awesome listening I’m another Mayberry nut
norman tow
Just like we enjoy watching reruns of TAGS listening to reruns of TCNW are just as enjoyable. I’m at the age where I forget a lot of things so sometimes it’s almost brand new. Happy 700th and here’s to many more. Thank you mr. and Mrs. Newsome
b.d. Calhoun
Awesome Podcast
Amazing how this podcast has been going for so many years and still be so much fun to listen to. I’m enjoying going back and listening to the old episodes too.
Great podcast.
Stumbled upon this one by accident and a very glad I did! The show is very thoughtful and heartfelt. It captures the heart and spirit of Mayberry.
46 Christo
Great Show!
Never cease to be amazed at how much I can learn about a show that I have been watching all my life. Excellent podcast!! MAXX
Maxx 55
You beat everything, you know it?
I never expected to enjoy a trivia broadcast as much as I do this one. Even though the show ran 3 score ago, I still love it and this podcast.
Great Mayberry podcast
This is the podcast for big fans of The Andy Griffith Show. If you love Mayberry,you will love this one. Give it a listen
Awesome Podcast!
This podcast is awesome! I’m a 16- yes, sixteen! Year old fan of the Andy Griffith Show from Seaford, Delaware. (Sadly, one of the only teenage TAGS fans left). I’ve had the privilege of meeting Allan in person at Mayberry Days. Such a nice guy! Anyway, thank you for making this podcast and I can’t wait to come back to Mayberry!
Kev Messick
Great podcast for mayberry fans
I've only been listing to Allen's podcast for a couple weeks now and I can say he does a great job. No one does a better Job with interviews and his research. This is a jewel that I hope more people find.
Floyd Returns!!
Allan Newsome mixes humor, trivia, soundbites, and inside information the way Aunt Bee mixed pecans in her brownies............and with the same delicious results. Pull up a chair in the barber shop and let Neo-Floyd get you in a Mayberry State Of Mind!! Highly recommended for the TAGS lover!
Great job on the podcast, Allan! These are so much fun to listen to. I love how you change it up, from sound clips to interviews...and it's very informative! A wonderful example of how the love of the Andy Griffith Show and all things Mayberry is as strong as ever. God bless!
Fun and informative
Great podcast show for any TAGS fan!
Allen Newsome is the genius that makes it all happen!!! He's a prince of a fellow!!!! A prince I tell you!!!
Good fun
Keep it up. Great job!
This podcast is my new favorite!
I emailed Allan to tell him about the new Andy Griffith Show Trivia app I made for the iPhone, and found the podcast. This super podcast is a real gem, and fun for any fan! I listened once and couldn't get enough - I'm now catching up on back episodes, and continue to enjoy this true 5 star excellent podcast. Thank you, Allan, for this weekly dose of Mayberry joy!
grim grinning runner
Great podcast
I listen to the podcast every morning on my to work. I enjoy the commentary and the little things that wouldn't have notice about the if it weren't for the podcast. It has brought to me a diffrenr way of watching the episodes. Thanls
These podcasts make commuting something to look forward to. I can usually squeeze four or five of them into the morning commute and another five or six on the way home. I'll be through them all in no time, at this rate, so I guess I'll just start over. Keep up the wonderful work!
Sonny Bubba
Mayberry lives on!
I grew up loving to watch this show with my dad, who also watched it with his dad. This podcast evokes the feeling of love, peace, and kindness that the show had. We are passing an important threshold right now. Will the generation having kids now be able to preserve TAGS by passing it to there children or is this were we see it start to die off? This podcast is playing an important role in that preservation.
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I Almost Did It
Great Podcast
Mayberry makes me happy. Andy makes me happy. Barney makes me happy. This podcast makes me happy. As a psychologist, I can say that being happy almost always makes your life better. I would encourage all to listen to the podcast and be happy.
Mayberry srhink
Best Andy Griffith Show Podcast
If you are like me and the many other thousands of TAGS fans, you put your hands on anything about this great show. Allan is producing, by far, the best podcast anywhere about the Andy Griffith show. Each week you will be greeted with a brief track of the Mayberry Band playing "Stars and Stripes Forever" in the way only they can render it and you will immediately be taken down a short journey that will give you insight and information about our favorite show and all the characters. Allan has interviews with former cast members, show experts, writers, and other fans. His show notes alone are worth subscribing as they are chock full of great tidbits of information, pictures, and other TAGS links. The best part of this is very interactive! There are numerous ways for you to contact Allan to give ideas, feedback, and to participate in his polls or trivia questions. There's never a dull moment in Mayberry and Two Chairs No Waiting is never a dull podcast. I keep coming back each week now for over a year and can't wait for my latest podcast to arrive. Five Stars all the way on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dale in Texas
TAGS forever
TAGS is STILL an amazing show and it's value's are reflected in the dedication of TAGSRWC members and people like Allan! Thanks and keep it up!
young watcher of old shows
Ex-pat heaven
If you're one of the many ex-patriate citizens of Mayberry then this is the podcast for you. Allan does a wonderful job of collecting Mayberry and Andy Griffith trivia for both the avid fan and the new neighbor!
Two Chairs No Waiting
Listening to Two Chairs No Waiting is like a visit to Mayberry. Allan Newsome really loves all things Mayberry and his dedication to sharing Mayberry with his listeners is much appreciated. Whistle your way to Mayberry County with Newsome and the rest of the Mayberry folk.
Help if you belive in helping other fans
Do you guys know if they have the tv sieries
A Must for Mayberry Fans!
I enjoy Allan's podcasts immensely; it's a great way for Mayberry fans to learn more about the show, the actors, and about events that Mayberry fans can attend. Keep up the great work!
J McMurray
Good Interviews and Information about the Greatest TV Show
great interviews and conversation surrounding the best show ever done on TV. Much appreciated! Jonas TAGSRWC Chapter - Don Knott Forgotten
Don Knott Forgotten TAGSRWC Chapter
A Real Mayberry Favorite
This is a downhome podcast that really puts you in the Mayberry frame of mind. If you enjoy the Andy Griffith Show, you'll love the clips from the show, the interviews with cast members, and the down-to-earth feel of the show.
This is Very very great. It's a very good way to keep The Andy Griffith Show alive even to this day!! Recamend to every one!
Grrreat show, Grrreat podcast!! :)
If you're looking here you probably already love The Andy Griffith Show and for the same reasons we all do. This podcast is a marvelous look back on the show, cast, trivia, this and that and different things that will enhance your love and admiration for this classic, heart-felt show. :) Mr. Newsome does everyone who loves this show and all the people, friends who hold a special place in their heart for Mayberry proud. He loves it as much as we do and does so much to keep alive all the endless and wondrous qualities that make Mayberry and its citizen near and far loving, caring and timeless. Three cheers for Allan! CHEER! CHEER!! CHEER!!! :D
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I just found out about this podcast a couple of days ago, and so far have only got to listen to 4 episodes.Allan does a great job and the "Goober" interview was really insightful.I also enjoy Floyd's comments. I've been a fan of TAGS for all of my 33 years and I guess I've seen each episode at least 50 or more times(especially the B&W ones). Keep up the good work and I'll be spreading the word about this podcast.
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Floyd Lawson jr.
Andy G
Huge fan!! Keep up the great work!
Thanks Allen
I work for a carpet cleaning company here in West Virginia. I download your show on my I-phone and sneek it in on my job. Sometimes I get cought by the customer listening to it because I'll be the only one in the room at the time and bust out laughing. Keep it up!
Men and Blabbermouths Chapter
great job on the podcasts!!
great job allan on the podcasts! i look forward every week to the great interviews and little tibbits that you add to the show. i have really enjoyed all the wonderfull mayberry stuff i have found thru the podcasts and the forums. and when i heard my own voice on there i almost fell outta of my chair!! thanks again for all the hard work that i know goes into every broadcast.... jim "jiffy" nelson...aka number 12
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jiffy "number 12"
A Must for Andy Griffith Show Fans
Once I learned TCNW was on ITunes, I had to add it on my ITunes account. Me and several of my military friends enjoy this program here in Afghanistan. It's good down-home entertainment...and can't beat it for the price - FREE! I encourage anyone who shares any affinity for The Andy Griffith Show to subscribe to Two Chairs No Waiting. Take the time, kick back, and enjoy the interviews, information and comradarie generated by our friend Allan Newsome. Give 'er a listenen to! :) Paul Balmer Clearwater FL Police Officer & Navy Reservist forward deployed to Afghanistan.
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Great Podcast !!
What a great podcast !! Allan does a good job with the interviews and all the info on the podcast. I look forward to listening every week !! Keep up the good work !!
Back to basics
Loved the shows. Went through all the podcasts and need more! I finished reading Goobers book not too long ago and loved the interview with him even though it was a little short. Headed back to a rerun of the interview with the lady druggist as she is affectionatly known here at the office.
Mayberry Lives On
Once again Allan you've found a way to make Mayberry a little more real for us all. The WBMUTBB chapter has been a wonderful community where we can imagine ourselves spending a little time in our adopted home town. The podcasts have added a fantastic new dimension. For those of us fortunate enough to have met many of the folks whose voices appear each show brings back fond memories. For those without that experience the podcasts will help them understand why we're all so crazy about Mayberry. Keep them coming, the info and stories are great. Thanks to everyone who's been a part and especially to you, Allan, you're a real prince!
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Mayor Pike
Keep up the good work!
I thoroughly enjoy listening to your podcast and eagerly await each new episode. Your podcast captures the spirit of Mayberry and reminds me to act like a Mayberrian no matter where I find myself.
Cygnus Chronicler
A good mix of interviews and information
As an avid and longtime watcher of TAGS (I have all the episodes on DVD), I look forward each week to Allan's podcast. It has a great mix of interviews, information, and reader feedback. Keep up the good work, Allan!
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