Turning the Tide: Climate Champions Podcast

Turning the Tide: Climate Champions

Climate Champions is a four-part audio series from Devex focusing on climate change and small island developing states. Each episode we'll be speaking to people from different island nations about how climate change is affecting their communities, and the innovative ways they're dealing with it. This audio miniseries is part of our wider Turning the Tide series, which you can visit at turningthetide.devex.com.
Episode 6: Restoring a healthy ocean in the Maldives
In the sixth episode of the Climate Champions podcast, Devex talks with Shaha Hashim, field project manager for the Blue Marine Foundation, about the impact of climate change on the Maldives' oceans and how they can be restored. 464850
Aug 21, 2020
15 min
Episode 5: Cultural identity, small island states, and climate change with Ngedikes Olai Uludong
In the fifth episode of Turning the Tide: Climate Champions, Palauan diplomat Ngedikes Olai Uludong shares her experience representing small island developing states in the global arena and explains why preserving islands' cultural traditions and identities is so important in the fight against climate change.
Jul 21, 2020
17 min
Episode 4: The role of volunteering in climate action with Napoleone Drose
In episode four in the Turning the Tide: Climate Champions podcast, Devex talks with Napoleone Drose, former president of the WWF Pacific Volunteers Program in Fiji, on the impact of climate change on Fiji and why volunteering is key to combatting it.
Jun 11, 2020
15 min
Episode 3: Engaging Pacific youths in climate action with Komal Narayan
In the first of two episodes looking at the role of young people and volunteering in small island developing states, we speak to Komal Narayan, climate activist and volunteer with Alliance for Future Generations, a youth-led network in Fiji that focuses on engaging younger generations and local communities in climate resilience-building initiatives.
May 24, 2020
17 min
Episode 2: The complexity of climate-change induced migration with Anote Tong
Kiribati has one of the lowest carbon-emission footprints in the world. But, with the highest points of these 33 low-lying atolls rising to just a few meters above sea level, the country is also one of the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In the second episode of the Turning the Tide: Climate Champions podcast, Devex speaks to Kiribati's former president, Anote Tong, about the sensitivities surrounding climate-change induced migration and the need for the global community to cooperate on solutions to the challenges posed by climate change.
Jan 29, 2020
15 min
Episode 1: A local approach to climate change in Jamaica with Suzanne Stanley
The Caribbean island of Jamaica is just one of many small island developing states under threat due to the impacts of climate change. Devex sat down with Suzanne Stanley, CEO of the Jamaica Environment Trust, to find out more about the work of JET and why they see education as being key to combating climate impacts.
Dec 11, 2019
16 min