In this episode, Ingrid opens up about the control part that can create resistance in relationship. Processing is just apart of the journey & with that comes self discovery. "Control" can look many different ways but can create a barrier to who we need to be. Picking things up along the way in life can cause a natural reflex of creating a protection barrier but how can we be lead when there's no submission ?
Apr 25, 2023
40 min

Commitment is hard. Are you willing to stick it out in the most toughest times or do you walk away often? In this episode, Ingrid reveals her struggles with her committment in her relationship with someone special.
Apr 11, 2023
42 min

We’re backkkkk! In this episode, Ingrid shares her testimony on the goodness of God in the midst of chaos. More than just the material of things, sometimes God shows up in ways just to remind us that He is still here & that he is still good despite US. Everything in life that we possess is temporal but the way He shows up is something no one can take from us. No longer wanting to be in her own way, Ingrid also shares the start of her journey to the person she knows to exist.
Mar 28, 2023
42 min

Truth is…life is hard but evidence shows that we’re not in it by ourselves either. Sometimes it’s not what we feel but how we respond to how we feel. Feelings say we’re alone but God says “I actually know how you feel”.
Jan 22, 2023
40 min

In this episode, we kickoff the new year not dwelling so much on our imperfections but being effective just where we are. Some days you won't "feel like it" and some days you may feel unworthy but in those moments God sees opportunity to show up anyway.
Jan 3, 2023
30 min

In this episode Ingrid talks about her experience about the things that we sometimes miss, sweep under the wrong or simply ignore. In the times where we count as loss, God sees as an opportunity as gain if we would just face it.
Psalms 36:9
Romans 8: 37
Matthew 22:37
Dec 20, 2022
36 min

In this episode, Ingrid dives into the importance of our perception in everything. Trusting and having faith beyond what we focus on and can see determines our foundation. What have you been focussing on that has been having you off track?
Dec 6, 2022
42 min

In this episode Ingrid reveals her struggles with trust and how rebuilding it can help us in our walk and relationship with God. The things we have gone through and the way we think can get in the way of trusting the only One who is guaranteed to us.
Nov 22, 2022
40 min

A real relationship requires being real or it’ll come with a lot of miscommunication & misunderstanding. In this episode we talk about what it takes to keep a relationship with God even through the craziest times in our lives & being alert to how the enemy may be keeping us from trusting the one that we should be trusting without a doubt.
Nov 8, 2022
39 min

Sometimes life can seem purposeless and meaningless when you've lost your "why" for doing things. Giving up might seem tempting when nothing seems to matter anymore. Ingrid transparently reveals her journey from feeling purposeless to realizing what it means to hold on to a new "why" that's solid.
Oct 24, 2022
40 min
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