Skin care companies make millions trying to cover, heal, and prevent blemishes. But what about those invisible defects—those moral flaws that we try to hide?
Aug 19, 2019

Jesse James, Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone. Notorious outlaws always capture our imagination, but in fact they produce a bloody, violent mess. Jude speaks of the bandits that can leave us spiritually bankrupt.
Aug 12, 2019

What’s the angelic realm like? Are angels only the figment of some religionist’s overstressed imagination? Do angels every intersect with our physical dimension? Listen for some answers.
Aug 5, 2019

Individuals are making deadly choices as if one moral standard were as good as the other. If you believe that moral choice is simply individual preference, please be honest enough to listen.
Jul 28, 2019

As we open the pages of the New Testament one comforting thought is that the problems of the church have already been faced in some form by the church in the first century.
Jul 21, 2019

The letter is brief--only one page, but the American Church with its “Tailor your message to fit the consumer mentality” dare not ignore the feisty words of Jude, the half brother of Jesus Christ.
Jul 14, 2019