Truth be Told with Mike & Kelly Johnson
Truth be Told with Mike & Kelly Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Episode 60: Fireworks on Capitol Hill: Confronting the Scandals of the Biden DOJ & FBI
47 minutes Posted Jul 14, 2023 at 1:14 pm.
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In today's episode, Mike discusses the content and the fallout from Wednesday's landmark House Judiciary hearing with FBI Director Chris Wray. As the scandals stack up and a growing majority of Americans have lost faith in our nation's premier law enforcement agency, the director's testimony only made matters worse. Also included here are excerpts from several interviews following the hearing, in which Mike explains the huge implications of the lawless activity that has been uncovered.

Mike begins with a brief update and overview of what is being called "the most conservative National Defense Authorization Act in our history," and why "wokeness" in the U.S. military may soon be a thing of the past.


Mike Johnson questions of FBI Director Wray (Fox News clip) 

Christopher Wray, the Unartful Dodger (Wall Street Journal)

Mike Johnson on America Reports (Fox News)

Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC

© 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson