TRENDS Archives - KGNU Community Radio Podcast

TRENDS Archives - KGNU Community Radio

TRENDS Archives - KGNU Community Radio
An independent, noncommercial community radio station licensed in Boulder and Denver and dedicated to serving its listeners.
TRENDS Podcast: Fewer College Admission Requirements Opens Doors To Students
Today’s edition examines changes in college admission requirements, available funding mechanisms and strategic support for students eligible for financial aid. Since the pandemic made it difficult for students to attend college classes in person and get the complete experience, it forced universities to make some changes. Some universities chose to [...]
Aug 18, 2022
TRENDS Podcast: How Can Solar Energy Improve Agriculture In A Changing Climate?
Today we will take a tour of Jack’s Solar Garden and learn more about how community solar can increase access to clean energy technologies. Byron Kominek is the owner of Jack’s Solar Garden. He describes the layout of the farm and the history of what has become what he calls [...]
Aug 11, 2022
TRENDS Podcast: How Do We Prepare For A Changing Climate?
Severe weather effects like drought, heat waves, unseasonal fires, and high wind make climate change hard to ignore across the Front Range. To talk about what actions Boulder County is taking to prepare for changing climate change and protect the most vulnerable populations, KGNU’s Rossana Longo Better speaks with Marina [...]
Jun 27, 2022
TRENDS Podcast: BVSD Explores Best Practices For Adding More Bilingual Education
About one dozen public school districts in Colorado offer bilingual instruction as part of a dual language immersion program, according to the state’s department of education. Among them are two schools in the Boulder Valley School District: Pioneer Bilingual and University Hill Elementary.  The goal of dual immersion is to [...]
Jun 21, 2022
TRENDS Podcast: Voces Vivas An Exhibit In Honor of The Latino History of Resilience In Boulder County (Call in Show)
Voces Vivas, a new exhibit at the Museum of Boulder, opens Feb. 26  and explores the history of Latino families in Boulder County. Through an interactive display, the exhibit uses artifacts to document Latino lineage and the communities’ resilience in Boulder County. KGNU’s Rossana Longo-Better spoke with Justine Vigil-Tapia, whose [...]
Feb 27, 2022
TRENDS Podcast: Marshall Fire Victims Find Themselves Uninsured or Underinsured
More than 900 homes were destroyed and more than 1000 more were damaged in the Marshall Fire that ravaged Boulder County on the second to last day of 2021. While this is a tragic event for everyone who lost their homes, even a fire such as this can lay bare [...]
Feb 16, 2022
TRENDS Diary: A Welcome Distraction
TRENDS Diary, a project of the Community Foundation of Boulder County, is a place for Boulder County residents of all ages to share personal experiences that relate to a pressing community need. The focus, for now, is on our shared need to connect and solve problems, despite the increased isolation [...]
Jun 5, 2020
TRENDS Diary: Living And Breathing Home-Sewn Masks & A High-Proof Solution
TRENDS Diary, a project of the Community Foundation of Boulder County, is a place for Boulder County residents of all ages to share personal experiences that relate to a pressing community need. The focus, for now, is on our shared need to connect and solve problems, despite the increased isolation [...]
May 29, 2020
TRENDS Diary: Sewing Masks for Neighbors
TRENDS Diary, a project of the Community Foundation of Boulder County, is a place for Boulder County residents of all ages to share personal experiences that relate to a pressing community need. The focus, for now, is on our shared need to connect and solve problems, despite the increased isolation [...]
May 22, 2020
TRENDS Podcast: COVID-19 Exacerbates Existing Inequities
This time on the TRENDS podcast, we take a look at how COVID-19 is exacerbating existing inequities in society
May 19, 2020
31 min