Trends..... and Crackerjacks Podcast

Trends..... and Crackerjacks

Lachana Shakya
Sharing insights and views on current trends along with different personalities belonging to different sectors on current trends and their do-or-die determination for their professions where they will be discussing and sharing various information.
A very NO to stop work, a YES to remote working
This episode enlightens on the trend of remote working that has been flourished in a mushrooming manner due to Corona Virus pandemic. Before the pandemic has marched it's footsteps, the practice of remote working was availed but in limited manner. The knock of COVID-19 on the world's doorstep has made remote working blosommed and possible to accomplish the works from home.
Jul 30, 2020
5 min
Why Corona, Why?
This episode enlightens on the current situations aroused due to COVID-19 Pandemic. The possibilities, the outcomes, the grievances and the hopeful innovation emerged during the course of this Pandemic are described over here. The companies making profits, the startups flourishing their businesses, condition of employment and the possibilities of hope are discussed here.
Jun 16, 2020
7 min
Social Media, today's tectonic trend
This episode concerns on elaborating the most possible impacts of social media on today's society in brief. All the businesses, educational graduates, health professionals, everyone require social media. Social media has been the tool for one's survival now. Social media has its pros and cons. Everyone requires social media and social media plays a crucial role in the continuation of today's world.
May 21, 2020
5 min