Travel With A Purpose Podcast

Travel With A Purpose

Dave Laton
This podcast is designed to share information and news with members and friends of the National Evangelism With Sojourners Mission.  Different Sojourners and special guests will share their experiences, knowledge and insights as together we, "Travel With A Purpose".
Episode 5 - Preview of the 2023 Camp Bee Workshop with the Littlejohn's
In this episode we discuss the upcoming 2023 Camp Bee Workshop with Bob and Dana Littlejohn.  We will look at the speakers and special events as well as some other activities before and during the workshop.
Jul 26, 2023
24 min
Episode 4 - A Conversation With Jimmy and Sally Crossley
In this episode we meet Jimmy and Sally Crossley.  This Sojourner couple will be taking over as our Sojourner office administrators.  We talk with them about their background, how they see their role as our office administrators, and a bit about their time as Sojourners.
Jul 26, 2023
13 min
Episode 3 - A Conversation With Patt Rains
In this episode we chat with a very special Sojourner, Patt Rains.  Patt has been our office administrator for Sojourning for several years.  She is preparing to turn the page on her career as a Sojourner.
Jul 25, 2023
8 min
Episode 2 - A Conversation With Larry and Kay Little
In this episode we have a chat with fellow Sojourners, Larry and Kay Little.  We will get to know some about them and learn about some of their memories and challenges as Sojourners.
Jul 18, 2023
21 min
Episode1 - Introduction
This is the inaugural episode of the podcast, "Travel With a Purpose."  This episode introduces the podcast and gives information of what to expect from the podcast and to talk about our new web page and database system.
Jul 15, 2023
5 min