Episode #29: What is Mindset? of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast explores the impact of mindset on sports performance. “Mindset,” is an essential and little addressed contributor to athletic success and a mental area that has only come to light in my work with elite athletes during the past few years. This […]
Nov 5, 2020
12 min

Episode #28: Focus Tools of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the second of two episodes in which I explore the impact of focus on sports performance. This podcast will introduce you to a variety of focus tools that you can add to your mental toolbox that will help you to stay focused […]
Oct 26, 2020
9 min

Episode #27: What is Focus? of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the first of two episodes in which I explore the impact of focus on sports performance. Focus is the most misunderstood mental factor among athletes. Most athletes think of focus as concentrating on one thing for a long time. Simply […]
Oct 14, 2020
11 min

Episode #26: Psych-up and Psych-down Tools of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the second of two episodes in which I will explore the impact of intensity on sports performance. Your awareness of your level of intensity and your ability to adjust your intensity to its ideal level is essential for performing your […]
Sep 24, 2020
11 min

Episode #25: What is Intensity? of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the first of two episodes in which I will explore the impact of intensity on sports performance. The topic for today’s episode is: What is Intensity? What I mean by intensity is the amount of physiological activity you experience in your […]
Aug 27, 2020
12 min

Episode #24: 7 Tools for Building Confidence of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the first of two episodes that examines the impact of confidence on sports performance. This episode introduces you to what confidence is in the context of sports, how it affects athletes, why athletes lose confidence, symptoms of low confidence, […]
Aug 6, 2020
16 min

Episode #23: What is Confidence? of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the first of two episodes that examines the impact of confidence on sports performance. This episode introduces you to what confidence is in the context of sports, how it affects athletes, why athletes lose confidence, symptoms of low confidence, and […]
Jul 16, 2020
12 min

Episode #22: Goal Setting of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the third of three episodes that examines the impact of motivation on your training efforts and your competitive success. This episode introduces you to the power of goal setting as a tool for increasing and maintaining your motivation in all aspects of […]
May 26, 2020
13 min

Episode #21-Tools for Increasing Your Motivation of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the second of three episodes that examines the impact of motivation on your training efforts and your competitive success. Because motivation can ebb and flow on a daily basis depending on the volume and intensity of your training, life […]
May 15, 2020
17 min

Episode #20: What is Motivation? of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the first of three episodes that examines the impact of motivation on your training efforts and your competitive success. This episode will introduce you to what motivation is, why it is the foundation of all aspects of sports performance, and […]
May 5, 2020
9 min
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