Tough to Treat
Tough to Treat
Susan Clinton and Erica Meloe
Junior Golfer with an Unusual Source to his Knee Pain
55 minutes Posted Jun 16, 2022 at 1:00 am.
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This is a rebroadcast of a popular earlier episode. Assessing center of mass (COM) here is crucial. Think about golf- you don't need a wide stance. Most of your patients will look different depending on how wide or narrow their stance is. Don't miss it. We also discuss the concept of picking a "meaningful" movement to assess with your patient. This alone will help you hone in on the driver quicker. Did you know that right knee pain can be caused by an imbalance in your center of mass? Erica and Susan discuss in this podcast how treating the left hip as well as the left side of the low back, got rid of this young golfer’s knee pain. A functional and interactive evaluation really hones in on where the true source of his knee pain lies.