When you’re non-monogamous, should you let your partner read your texts?
We get this question a LOT. And if you’re struggling to balance privacy and transparency in your relationships, you’re not alone.
When you’re feeling insecurity or mistrust, this kind of radical transparency can seem like an easy solution.
But is it ethical? Does it work?
Here’s the definitive answer we give our clients.
Watch this episode now!
Jan 6, 2023
33 min

The biggest challenge in polyamory
Is not time, nor jealousy, nor communication,
But something much more deep-rooted: Contrast and fear,
That shines a light on weaknesses that were never clear.
But don't be discouraged, this challenge presents the light -
Where mono couples just settle, now you must strive to build what's right.
Horror stories abound, but the brighter side is this:
Through true building and growing, you can find true bliss.
Dec 29, 2022
13 min

You’re feeling stuck. On the one hand, you’re tired of struggling in your polyamorous relationships. The conflict, distance, and resentment are becoming too much. The relationship needs to be fixed.
But there’s a big issue: You’re not the one causing these problems. Your partner is to blame. And they don’t seem motivated to change.
Want to know what to do? Watch this episode now.
Dec 22, 2022
27 min

The holidays are a natural incubator for conflict. Especially if you’re in a polyamorous relationship. Here are four hacks that allow our polyamorous clients to not only survive the holidays but to create memories and experiences that bring their relationships even closer together.
Dec 15, 2022
21 min

Many people think jealousy is the cardinal sin of polyamory. But those feelings are normal. And when you use them the RIGHT way, jealousy can actually be the key to healing your relationship.
Dec 9, 2022
28 min

You and your partner agree to open your relationship under one condition: It’s JUST about sex. No feelings. And for a while that works out pretty well. But now it’s happened. Someone caught feelings. The other partner is feeling hurt and betrayed. And you’re both trying to figure out: what does a path forward even look like?
Dec 1, 2022
26 min

When your spouse tells you they are no longer interested in being romantically involved with you, what do you do?
Feeling like a roommate sucks. But it’s even harder if you’re in a polyamorous relationship. Because then you have to watch your partner give that attention and passion to someone else. And the feelings of comparison and being left behind are excruciating.
It’s a tough situation. But you can get your spouse back. Here’s how.
Watch this episode now!
Nov 23, 2022
31 min

“Ya’lls can be a little negative about polyamory. Why can’t you talk about the positive things?” We got this question from a listener. So this week, we’re discussing why we don’t sugarcoat and the consequences that being overly optimistic can have for your relationships.
Nov 17, 2022
30 min

Relationship Anarchy sounds great in theory. But the way most people practice it leads to confusion, hurt, and ruined relationships. In this episode, we discuss how you can build relationships that value freedom and autonomy while still allowing your partners to feel cared for.
Nov 10, 2022
31 min

If you’re in a polyamorous relationship, communication is key. Here are 5 powerful questions to help take your communication to the next level.
Nov 3, 2022
20 min
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