Today's Creator Podcast
Today's Creator
Jesus Ramirez
The Power of Visual Storytelling: Movie Posters and Mobile Photography w/ Lisa Carney - episode of Today's Creator podcast

The Power of Visual Storytelling: Movie Posters and Mobile Photography w/ Lisa Carney

1 hour 16 minutes Posted May 25, 2023 at 1:00 pm.
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Today's creator is Lisa Carney, a renowned movie poster finisher, retoucher, and Photoshop educator.  Lisa's work has graced the posters of some of the most iconic movies and TV shows of the last 25 years, making her a true master of her craft.

In this episode, Lisa shares her inspiring journey to becoming a world-class retoucher and lifts the veil on the unspoken truth of creating posters for the Hollywood industry.
She also shares her passion for mobile photography and how anyone can use a phone to tell meaningful and captivating stories.

Show notes here: