To Heal a People
To Heal a People
To Heal a People
S1E7: Desmond Tutu on Ubuntu, Relating, and Community
17 minutes Posted Feb 23, 2022 at 4:00 am.
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In this episode, we explore To Heal A People's 4th and final ring of the 4 Ring system of healing: Ubuntu, which means 'I am because we are.' Modern society touts individualism- but are any of us truly able to exist alone as an independent individual, fully self-sufficient without the support of others? Celebrating words of wisdom by ancestor Archbishop Desmond Tutu, we explore the inter-connectedness of all beings, and why community is so integral to our survival and our thriving.

This episode talks about: Desmond Tutu, relationship, interdependence, Ubuntu.


About To Heal A People:

To Heal a People is a growing online community of changemakers, passionate and awakened individuals looking to transform the world, beginning with our selves. In particular, we focus on decolonizing health & wellness practices, holding space and providing resources for people of color to be centered in their healing journey.

Starting with our new podcast, Hasira 'Soul' Ashemu breaks down wisdom from Black and Indigenous experts and changemakers, giving a fresh take on the steps to health, healing and joy - called the 4 Ring System of Healing. Using the knowledge of our pasts to propel ourselves, our relationships, our passions and ultimately our communities forward - we’ll give you the tools and concepts to get your part of the werk in!


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