To A Tolerable Degree Podcast
To A Tolerable Degree
Fritz Baldauf and Kris Pursiainen
To A Tolerable Degree
Fritz Baldauf and Kris Pursiainen
Just because Kris Pursiainen of Knicks Sports Illustrated and Knicks Film School and Fritz Baldauf, host of the Das Fan-Erlebnis Podcast on German soccer's fan culture, have never met before and live on opposite sides of the country doesn't mean you can't listen to them debate sports and get on each other's nerves (don't worry - it's always to a tolerable degree). Fritz is from San Francisco and a huge 49ers, Warriors, SF Giants, and FC Bayern Munich fan going to Connecticut College next year for competitive sailing; Kris plays no competitive sports but is known at his local park in New Jersey for his shooting ability and is a diehard Knicks, NY Giants, Mets, and Liberty fan going to Fordham University next year. See how this dynamic duo introduced to each other by a former MLB player take on all things sports here on To A Tolerable Degree. You can find us on twitter @krispursiainen and @baldauffritz. Feel free to tweet at us with any questions you want us to address on the pod!
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 18 days
Latest episode
2 years ago
September 8, 2022
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