A not so brief explanation of our Hard Reset Protocol. We go in depth on the details and a little behind the why’s of everything entailed over the 28 days of the challenge.
Sep 30, 2020
28 min

Nobody ever wants the boring details... People always love seeing the finished product.It’s what’s sold to us with virtually any transformation process, the end result.But what people don’t see is what it takes to get there.Commitment, dedication to the...
Sep 21, 2020
19 min

This week's episode we talk to local business owner, fitness and success coach Ken Collins.
Sep 15, 2020
36 min

Find out more about Pat at www.chroniclesofstrength.com
Aug 17, 2020
49 min

Get the most out of your day by kicking it off right.In this episode, we discuss what makes a powerful morning routine.Show resources/linksJim Rohn Speech - https://youtu.be/N0ZldggBcM4Craig Ballantyne(book) - The Perfect Day Formula
Aug 3, 2020
12 min

How do you get the most out of different workouts? Intervals, HIIT, Tabata, benchmarks. Today’s episode we talk about how these are best used in your training and what the meaning behind these different styles of training are.
Jul 23, 2020
14 min

In today’s episode we talk about David Goggins rule, the 40% rule. We expand on the idea and talk about some ways to push yourself to get better results out of your training which will consequently build confidence along with a stronger mind and body.
Jun 2, 2020
12 min

“Diets are a short term solution to a long term problem... if we create habits, and we build a lifestyle out of this, you’re guaranteed to not only get results but keep them”We talk today about realistic expectations and how it applies to accomplishing...
May 8, 2020
20 min

In our first ever interview podcast we interview TNT founder and SFG Team Leader Ryan Toshner. Ryan has a great insight into fitness and nutrition that is hard to describe, so you should probably just watch the video to catch a glimpse into his history...
May 4, 2020
42 min

This week’s episode we discussed another mindset tool to help you build confidence and boost your results!
May 3, 2020
14 min
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