I am dripping in sweat in this video, filming in my air conditioned-less garage. At first I thought I should re-film in the air conditioned house but then I thought, "NO!" Let them see the sweat, the raw sweat of my brow and another token of what it takes running your own bodybuilding supplement line. It's been hard, but I push harder. In this video, other than the obvious i.e., time and money; I have narrowed it down in a very honest and easy to follow video- my 12 biggest challenges and hurdles I face constantly in the sports nutrition industry. This is a great video for those that want a REAL LIFE look at what it takes to run a supplement company and some of the grand obstacles I face constantly. You may or may not want to open a bodybuilding supplement company after watching this. High informative, education, informational, and transparent. #entrepreneur #businesstips #sellingonamazon
Jul 21, 2021
18 min

In the funny podcast I go over a crazy story about how I was drinking so much caffeine I caused a kidney stone!
Jul 17, 2021
5 min

This is my crazy story about how I felt like I was going to die after leaving a sauna trying to cut water for a bodybuilding show.
Jul 17, 2021
11 min