Thriving in Ministry Podcast

Thriving in Ministry

Kyle Willis | Matt Dotson | Phil Blount
Kyle Willis, Matt Dotson, and Phil Blount host the The Thriving in Ministry podcast to encourage pastors in their church ministry. We address how church leaders can thrive in their calling by creating margin, staying healthy, and leading effectively in their church and family. We believe you don't have to do ministry alone. It is why we will have authentic conversations with other pastors and church leaders on the Thriving in Ministry podcast. Brought to you by Talanton Church Services. 
Thriving in Ministry | The Unintended Consequences of Online Church Part 3: Community
Join Kyle, Phil, and Matt in a lively discussion about the unintended consequences of online church. We love online church; we need online church; but we need to do it better! One of the unintended consequences of the online paradigm is the difficulty in maintaining good connection, communication, and caring in regards to our online attenders. In other words--community! We want to help you find the best ways to do online church and we also need you to join the conversation, so please shoot us a DM, email, or comment. Thanks for joining us on the Thriving In Ministry Podcast!
Feb 14, 2024
36 min
Thriving in Ministry | The Unintended Consequences of Online Church Part 2: Worship
Can we really engage in worship in an online service? Should Churches include their Praise and Worship sets as a part of their livestreams at all? If members only engage online, what are they missing in the area of worship? Kyle, Matt, & Phil discuss these questions and others in this episode. Join the conversation!
Jan 31, 2024
31 min
Online Giving's Unintended Consequences | The Thriving In Ministry Podcast Season 6 Episode 6
This week, we're beginning a mini-season featuring a few episodes in which we talk about the possible unintended consequences of online church. We start with giving and ask this compelling question: Is online giving robbing you of the opportunity to disciple your kids and new members in the area of giving? Are there other unintended consequences, and what do we do about them? Join the conversation!
Jan 24, 2024
35 min
Avoiding Volunteer Burnout—The Thriving in Ministry Podcast Season 6 Episode 5
On today's episode of the Thriving in Ministry Podcast, we talk about an issue close to the heart of every church leader—volunteers. We love them. Especially the most faithful ones. But if we're not careful, that faithfulness can turn to exhaustion, discouragement, and even disillusionment. How can we help them keep from getting burned out? Kyle Willis, Matt Dotson, and Phil Blount discuss this outstanding article from and speak from their own experience as well. Join the conversation!
Jan 11, 2024
37 min
Thriving in Ministry —reboot— Episode 4 | Seven Things Your Church Should STOP Doing in 2024
Join us for the epic journey of 2024. Kyle, Matt & Phil have some fun talking New Year's resolutions and some other nonsense, but mostly give some pointed advice on 7 things to NOT do this year in your church. Join the conversation!
Dec 29, 2023
40 min
Thriving in Ministry–reboot– Episode 3 | Christmas Special!
In this special episode, we take a quick break from our usual format and just hang out and talk all things Christmas! Join us as we discuss everything from Advent calendars to food to Santa Clause, i.e., does one of our staff still believe? We had a blast recording it; we hope you enjoy listening! Merry Christmas!
Dec 22, 2023
32 min
Thriving In Ministry –reboot– Episode 2 | Is your church successful?
In our second episode of this new season and new chapter of TIM, Kyle Willis, Matt Dotson, and Phil Blount explore the question, "Is your church successful?" What does success mean for a church? Is it numbers only, or do numbers matter at all? Is it discipleship, spiritual growth, financial stability, or simply a matter of obedience to a mission? We explore these and other ideas, and we hope to hear your comments and questions as well! Join the conversation!
Dec 15, 2023
31 min
The Thriving In Ministry Podcast Reboot Ep 1: Is Church a Business?
Is the Church a business? How should it be run in a businesslike manner--if at all? Join the Conversation as Kyle introduces his new podcast cohosts Matt Dotson and Phil Blount!
Dec 8, 2023
39 min
The Next Chapter-The Thriving In Ministry Podcast
Kyle and Dace talk about the past and the future for their personal and professional lives as well as the TIM Podcast. Exciting things are happening!
Dec 8, 2023
24 min
#butGod | Pastor Jeremy Freeman and Caleb Freeman
On today’s episode of the Thriving in Ministry podcast, we interview Pastor Jeremy Freeman, and his son Caleb, on finding hope during catastrophe. Jeremy Freeman is the Pastor of First Baptist Church Newcastle. Jeremy and his wife Emily have 7 children, including Trey who went home to be with the Lord as a 7 year old in September 2013. Jeremy completed his undergraduate at the Oklahoma Baptist University and received his Master of Divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2008. Outside of pastoring and spending time with his family, Jeremy enjoys reading, watching sports, and studying God’s Word. Jeremy Freeman is the author of the new book which releases on October 18th, entitled #butGod: The Power of Hope When Catastrophe Crashes In. Websites and Other LinksOrder #butGod Book by Jeremy FreemanFBC NewcastleDaily Pastor Online ContentTalanton Church Services
Oct 4, 2022
32 min
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