As they wrap up season one, Susan and Leone reflect on their most memorable shows and guests. A year of learning and insights, join them as they award the shows with scariest "truths" and wet-your-pants "comedy." And that's when they realized that the journey to growing older is so much better with a friend! Watch it live on Facebook.
May 26, 2022

One of the most important things we can do as parents, educators or mentors is to be present with children and model the behaviors and attitudes we hope to see in them. In her book, Cultivating Spirituality in Children: 101 Ways to Make Every Child's Spirit Soar, Dr. Rosie Kuhn shares that raising spiritually grounded children is more about walking the talk instead of preaching. Join Susan as she chats with Dr. Rosie about how aligning ourselves with our inner truth creates a roadmap for guiding our childrren to there authentic self. Watch live on Facebook!
May 17, 2022

Shapewear, in some form or another, has been around for centuries. Thanks to the invention of spandex women no longer have to suffer the whale bones of the corset, but that doesn't address why we still want to alter our silhouettes. And then there were the days of mandatory pantyhose and heels for ladies in the workplace...don't get us started. Join us for a lively conversation about the history of shapewear next Thursday.
May 12, 2022

Thanks to the testimony of Facebook Whistleblower, Frances Haugen, we now know that social media platforms might not have their customer's best interests at heart, especially those of impressionable teens.
Join Susan and addictions counselor, Richard Capriola, as they discuss the current concerns about how social media is impacting teenagers today. They'll explore what platforms are popular, at what age kids be engaging in social media and what did the research actually show. Listen live or watch it on Facebook.
May 3, 2022

Sibling relationships can be tough. Whether it's issues with your own siblings or tension between your kids, healing these emotional divides takes time, patience and communication. We're not saying we have all the answers, but let's discuss a few strategies for how to manage sibling squabbles. You can catch us live on Facebook.
Apr 28, 2022

The Enneagram is a hugely insightful path to personal growth. Utilizing its wisdom from a parenting perspective, allows you to become aware of you parenting blind spots and strengths. Understanding yourself and your child on a deeper level helps improve your and their experience of parenting. Join Susan and Enneagram Expert, Ann Gadd, as they discuss her newly released book, Better Parenting with the Enneagram. You can also watch them live on Facebook!
Apr 19, 2022

The year is 1972 and history is being made. Let's take a look back at the "who" and the "what" is turning fifty and how they still impact us today. Everything from literature to prime time, inventions to fast food...trivia anyone? Join us live on Facebook!
Apr 14, 2022

If you're like most parents you are tired of having to yell, scream and lose your temper to get your kids to listen or behave. Maybe you have a strong-willed child and the constant battles are draining you dry. Join Susan as she chats with Parenting Coach, Allana Robinson, about how your child's brain development can ruin their behaviour and the importance of self and co-regulation. She'll be offering her top three tips for elminating defiance, stalling and ignoring.
Apr 5, 2022

Join us for the second installment of the Bestie's Book Club show! Read along with Susan and Leone as they discuss Tony Robbins newest book, Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life Those You Love. As we wrap up our discussion of this book, we'll be diving into the second half focusing on women's health, longevity, mindset and fulfillment. We hope you join us!
Mar 24, 2022

Adolescent substance abuse continues to be a crisis confronting many families. In this interview Richard Capriola discusses teen substance abuse. He covers topics such as what drugs today's teens are using and how the pandemic changed teen substance use, warning signs every parent should know and much more.
Mar 15, 2022
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