It's the end of the world as we know it and the worlds certainly aren't fine. In this episode of Three of Hearts Game Club, Nick, Jay, and Gary, will travel to the final world in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix which will be a sort of greatest hits of all the worlds they have gone to and they'll also be able to discuss their time with the final boss of the game and the ending of the fist Kingdom Hearts game!
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary, have discussion over the games they're playing. Currently they're playing through the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise starting with the first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
May 2, 2023
1 hr 9 min

We're really in the endgame now! In this weeks episode of the Three of Hearts Game Club podcast, Nick, Jay, and Gary travel to the world of Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix where they will meet the famously dimensional traveler Beast from Beauty and the Beast and have a ton of boss fights while having all the lore dumped right on their heads.
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary, have discussion over the games they're playing. Currently they're playing through the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise starting with the first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
Apr 26, 2023
1 hr 30 min

It's time to pack your things and head out into the woods, the 100-Acre Wood to be exact. In this weeks episode of the Three of Hearts Game Club, Nick, Jay, and Gary will be exploring a world in Kingdom Hearts that works quite a bit differently from all the others they have gone through where the only enemies will be bees protecting their hives and their honey. We got ourselves a mini game collection with some great familiar characters but are the mini games any good?
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary, have discussion over the games they're playing. Currently they're playing through the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise starting with the first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
Apr 10, 2023
1 hr 5 min

Welcome to Captain Hook's ship! I mean London. I mean Neverland! Well while they never actually step foot on Neverland itself, Nick, Jay, and Gary get to explore Captain Hook's ship and Big Ben as they go through the Neverland level in Kingdom Hearts. They'll fight some pirates and fly above the ship all while searching for another keyhole to seal.
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary, have discussion over the games they're playing. Currently they're playing through the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise starting with the first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
Apr 3, 2023
51 min

In this episode of the Three of Hearts Game Club, Nick, Jay, and Gary, follow Sora, Donald, and Goofy to a much darker spot in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Literally. Because it's actually quite dark and hard to see. They'll meet some faces from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas as they continue on their quest to find their friends and save worlds from the Heartless!
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary, have discussion over the games they're playing. Currently they're playing through the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise starting with the first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
Mar 27, 2023
54 min

No, we are not discussing your favorite "Disney Channel Original Movie" but we are discussing the level in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix based on the lesser known other Disney mermaid movie, The Little Mermaid. Today, Nick, Jay, and Gary are exploring Atlantica where they will face evil sea witches, random dolphins, and body horror Donald Duck.
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary, have discussion over the games they're playing. Currently they're playing through the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise starting with the first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
Mar 15, 2023
58 min

*Sigh* We've finally made it, made it to the thing we were all dreading. In this week's episode of the Three of Hearts Game Club, Nick, Jay, and Gary, are all in the Belly of the Beast. If you were thinking the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, unfortunately that won't be for a couple more episodes. No, this time we are inside the giant whale Monstro from the animated movie Pinocchio and trust us, that isn't as interesting as it might sound.
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary, have discussion over the games they're playing. Currently they're playing through the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise starting with the first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
Mar 1, 2023
46 min

In this weeks episode of the Three of Hearts Game Club, Nick, Jay, and Gary, head to the world of Agrabah from the 1992 animated film Aladdin! They'll learn some great hiding tips from Jasmine, and the skills needed to pull someone out of sinking sand which is easier than you might think as they search for the keyhole to protect this world from the Heartless
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary have discussions over the current games they are playing. In this and previous episodes, they have been covering Kingdom Hearts Final Mix as they attempt to go through the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise.
Feb 22, 2023
1 hr 3 min

We've made it out of the jungle and back to civilization! In this weeks episode of the Three of Hearts Game Club, Nick, Jay, and Gary head back to Traverse Town for a second time to do some things besides the usual restocking of items. They'll meet back up with some Final Fantasy characters and have an encounter with a familiar foe.
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary, have discussion over the games they're playing. Currently they're playing through the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise starting with the first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
Disclaimer: The true "travesty" of this episode is some of our audio issues. Please bear with us as we learn how to Podcast.
Feb 14, 2023
1 hr 3 min

Put on some Phil Collins and get ready to enter the jungle. The Deep Jungle if you will. On this weeks episode of The Three of Hearts Game Club, Nick, Jay, and Gary move onto the next world in their play-through of Kingdom Hearts based on the movie Tarzan from 1999. They'll discuss everything from tree surfing to Gorilla Poop.
Three of Hearts Game Club is a weekly show where Nick, Jay, and Gary are currently discussing the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts franchise, starting with the very first game in the series, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
Feb 9, 2023
58 min
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