This Show is So Gay w/ Ken Schneck
This Show is So Gay w/ Ken Schneck
Ken Schneck
11/23/17 - Emily Waters
1 seconds Posted Nov 22, 2017 at 7:37 pm.
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In the spirit of giving thanks, we could not be more appreciative of the incredible folks out there making a real and true difference. And this week’s guest is no exception.

We’re honored to welcome Emily Walters, the Senior Manager of National Research and Policy at the New York City Anti-Violence Project, for an extended chat on a wide array of issues. From the impact of intimate partner violence on our community to the need for comprehensive and inclusive services to ways we could actually, y’know, NOT burn out, this is a chat to which you absolutely must listen.

All this and a brief bit of LGBTQ news including, YET AGAIN, the latest on President Trump’s (most challenged) ban on trans people serving in the military. DOWNLOAD and LISTEN IN TODAY!

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