Jay has quite the story, listen in to see how he came to England with nothing and has now built a multi million pound business, become a best selling author and mentor - all whilst being a great father! A true gentleman who is respectful of all around him, has core values and beliefs and puts family first. It was a pleasure to interview Jay and I know that you could all take great knowledge and advice from what he has to say about running multiple businesses whilst being a great DAD!Jays info: Assets for LifeInsta: jaymunozafl
Oct 14, 2021
54 min

I met with Andrew Roberts who has created the We Deliver Cars brand and grown the business to suit his lifestyle as a Dad. Andrew was working for another company working set hours and decided in his 30s that there must be more to life - with this he paid attention to his industry and found an area he thought he could offer a solution. This is where we deliver cars was born!Listen to Andrew as he discusses setting up the business, growing the business and how he has created a lifestyle to suit being a dad and being a family man!
May 5, 2021
48 min

I was fortunate enough to cross paths with Peter Wood, a truly inspirational individual who has had a highly successful career in cooperate banking and has made the jump to now being a self employed business coach and property developer. Peter is a very hands on father and has been all through his sons life (now living in Canada!!) while Peters wife had to get back to her cooperate job. Peter took on the main role of parent, doing nursery runs, dinner time, bath time. You name it Peter did it bringing up his son. There was a moment in this podcast that really shook me as a Dad, when Peter remembered the time him and his wife had the one decision as a parent that we have nightmares about! Peters resilience through life, redundancies, recessions and tough decisions has maybe moulded him to the person he is today - a gentleman that is here to bring happiness and support to your life and guide you in any way he can.
Apr 1, 2021
1 hr 26 min

From DJ to multiple business owner. Serial entrepreneur Rue Jay and how his personal brand has grown
A rare insight into the life of a successful multiple business owner. Not only has he made a name for himself in the music industry, he also owns several restaurants, several tattoo studios and an interior design business. How does he do it all? Talking about his two year old daughter, Rue Jay gives us his tips on being a Dad in business, and how he manages his busy work life.
Feb 12, 2021
1 hr 10 min

In this podcast we met MD of Made with Love and Sparkle, John Oneill. This business has grown to a £4million business in just 5 years through optimisation of website and facebook ads. All this was done while they were bringing up 3 children at home! We talk with John about dodgy m3s, Cambridge analytica scandal, pulling out of his dream house sale to save his business and how in 1 month they lost nearly £60,000!!!
Jan 24, 2021
1 hr 55 min

Jack chats with the founder of Z Technology about how it all began following a serious road traffic accident which put him out of his main job and he had to adapt while recovering, Zee has now built his entire business through instagram, showcasing how his products can enhance living. We delve in to how he has achieved this and he gives us some of his top tips to building an activated following not just a following that rant interested in your products. He did all this while being a great dad doing the school runs and bed times, how has he got the two working in harmony together? He lets us know his real passion and drive to keep him motivated each day!
Dec 28, 2020
46 min

It was an honour to sit down with such an exceptional man for my most recent interview. Ali Kadiri really has experienced it all. At 25 years old, Ali is a single father to a toddler to whom he has full custody of, he owns and has sold several successful barber shops, and after the sudden tragic loss of his first daughter at just15 months old, battled with mental health. Ali talks about how the birth of his second daughter has been his motivation over the last few years, and just how important client satisfaction really is.
Dec 1, 2020
50 min

A super exciting interview with multiple award winning hair stylist Tony Walmsley who is founder/ owner of Anthony John Salons and father to a 3 year old. Tony goes into great detail about how he has built his business to such a magnificent place to work, be a customer and own. He discusses some great tips for new business owners to take on board and of course existing business owners who may be struggling at the minute. Not only that but Tony is an awesome dad, and gives his weekly, monthly and yearly schedule on hoe he ensures his son, wife, staff, customers all get the best side of him. A truly incredible business man and father - get your pen and paper out for this one as there'll be some serious note taking!
Nov 10, 2020
55 min

I was out on a walk in the morning and wanted to discuss about the power of an early morning routine. Something ive recently started doing and am seeing nothing but positive results not just for me but the people as-round me too, especially the kids on a morning! listen in to see what my routine consists of, why i decided to change my old routine and tips to help you get involved in creating your own routine.
Nov 10, 2020
13 min

Introduction to This dad means business, get to hear from Jack and why he has set up this new podcast. He is joined by his wife Jaime, as they talk about their business/ parent journey so far and how they have had to adapt to the new way of doing business after becoming parents. Jack shares some of his most helpful tips on how to balance the work/ dad life and not let either of them suffer.
Nov 10, 2020
35 min
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