This Birding Life Podcast
This Birding Life
Bird Watcher’s Digest
Best of This Birding Life: The Early Days of Bird Watcher's Digest - episode of This Birding Life podcast

Best of This Birding Life: The Early Days of Bird Watcher's Digest

49 minutes Posted Jun 4, 2019 at 5:00 pm.
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As you may know, our beloved TBL host Bill Thompson, III, died on March 25, after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. What you may not know is that Bill's mother, Bird Watcher's Digest founding publisher Elsa Thompson, died in a fire in her home in Marietta, Ohio, on May 25. We know you share our grief in losing these two wonderful people who have contributed so much to the world of birding. In honor of BT3 and Elsa, we're re-airing this episode from 2013, when Bill interviewed Elsa about the early days of Bird Watcher's Digest, why the family started the magazine, and what it has meant in their lives.