Podcast Episode Webpage: ItsMeseidy.comCommunity:If you are enjoying this episode and want to connect and engage with like-minded individuals join my locals community at itsmeseidy.locals.com. Get access to free content and if you join as a premier member for only $5 you will get access to new episodes a day early, join chats and leave comments, and other exclusive offers. Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Aug 12, 2022
42 min

The gender identity guidelines for children & adolescents that government agencies, teachers unions, school boards, and school districts across the country have adopted promote not only grooming of gender identity but in my opinion creates an environment where educator sexual abusers can take advantage because the guidelines normalize behavior that puts students at risk. This is especially frightening since sexual abuse of students in schools is 100 times more likely than abuse by priests.I’m going to hit on a few points to support this. - What is grooming and grooming behavior - Gender identity guidelines adopted by teacher associations, such as the National Educators Association, school boards, and school districts. - Examples of schools who aided in concealing a student’s gender identity from parents - School gender identity curriculum - The prevalence of educator sexual abuse in public schools - Shortfalls in tracking educator sexual abusers Video:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsYS6BTasZTc-q-d_46J8gRumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-748457Sourceshttps://itsmeseidy.com/video/school-gender-identity-guidelines-educator-sexual-abuseEmail Listhttps://itsmeseidy.ck.page/43a32240eaSocial Media Accounts: Instagram: https://instagram.com/itsmeseidyTwitter: https://twitter.com/itsmeseidyLocals.com: https://itsmeseidy.locals.com/Libertas Sisters Mission: To create a sisterhood of women who embrace strength and femininity, who support each other, and provide a shield from cancel culture and social attacks. We become better women, wives, and mothers through the free exchange of ideas, skills, and trade. We build stronger families, communities, and country. Join the Sisterhood: https://libertassisters.com
Apr 21, 2022
43 min

In this episode, Landon and I discuss the causes and consequences of child sex trafficking and how you can help protect these children. Landon Starbuck is a fearless defender of freedom, advocating for trafficked and exploited children and women. She’s a national activist who sits on several boards of organizations that work towards countering Human Trafficking. Landon has organized rallies and marches to the U.S. southern border across the country to bring attention to this mission.Connect with LandonInstagram @landonstarbuckTwitter @landonstarbuckWebsite: Landon StarbuckFreedom Forever | Landon's NonprofitInstagram @freedomforeverusWebsite: Freedom ForeverPodcast Episode Webpage: ItsMeseidy.comCommunity:Libertas Sisters is an online community of women who embrace femininity, self-reliance, and most importantly, believe in freedom. Secure from big tech censorship; it is a sisterhood dedicated to helping its members thrive during these challenging times and navigate the chaos. Join the sisterhood!Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Mar 17, 2022
57 min

Emily earned international notoriety after she led members of her community to the protest on January 6th which by itself wouldn’t garner particular attention, however, she was a Special Operations Officer in the Psychological Operations branch.To the left-leaning, woke military of today attending an election integrity rally to hear her Commander in Chief speak (although completely with her rights and ALL regulations) was unacceptable. They wanted to make her an example to all conservatives in the military and permitted her to be painted as a criminal extremist as a warning to any other service members who dare take their Oath as seriously as she.Emily’s zero-tolerance policy towards cooperating with the Scamdemic has caused many to follow her and many to hate her. As a nonpartisan activist, she leads a group of over 2k locals to enact change and push back on issues such as mask mandates and lockdowns. The worldwide Covidian cult is made plainer to Captain Rainey because of her propaganda training and experience.Since recently resigning her commission after nearly a decade of service the 31-year-old bought a small farm, and in the light of the country’s current predicament, is working to build a self-reliant homestead for her and her family which, God willing, will one day be a refuge for others.Emily continues to lead her county-level conservative activism group with a current focus on electing new conservatives to the Board of Education.Connect with EmilyInstagram @emilygraceraineyPodcast Website: ItsMeseidy.comCommunity:Libertas Sisters is an online community of women who embrace femininity, self-reliance, and most importantly, believe in freedom. Secure from big tech censorship; it is a sisterhood dedicated to helping its members thrive during these challenging times and navigate the chaos. Join the sisterhood!Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Mar 3, 2022
1 hr 6 min

In today's episode, I welcome artist Amy Mastrine. We discuss if there is such a thing as bad art and how today's society's effort to deconstruct the feminine we are eliminating beauty.Amy is an artist, writer, and marketing professional. Amy writes for Evie Magazine, a women's publication that encourages virtue, truth, and beauty. She sells art prints and oil paintings at amy-the-artist.com. She also loves to play the piano, explore historic architecture, fire dance, and attend divine liturgy at Eastern Orthodox churches.Connect with AmyTwitter @amytheartistInstagram @amy__the_artistWebsite Amy the ArtistPodcast Website: ItsMeseidy.comCommunity:Libertas Sisters is an online community of women who embrace femininity, self-reliance, and most importantly, believe in freedom. Secure from big tech censorship; it is a sisterhood dedicated to helping its members thrive during these challenging times and navigate the chaos. Join the sisterhood!Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Feb 17, 2022
50 min

Ep. In today's episode, I welcome Jordan Klein, also known as Jo The Mama. She shares what's a doula, her thoughts on the ungendering of language, gender roles, and more. Jordan is a wife, mom, birth doula, and entrepreneur! She's been married to her favorite person, Lee, for 5 years. They have 2 lively sons: Jack (3y), Leo (1y), and one on the way. Her favorite part of her platform is sharing the hilarious and honest side of motherhood while spreading education about pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting in 2021. Jordan loves catching the candid moments of mom-life and using them as teaching moments for gentle parenting. Her followers across social media love being able to see the often theoretical principles of parenting toddlers in action, and Jordan is not shy about being honest in her posts.Connect with JordanTwitter @jothemamaInstagram @jothemamaTikTok @jothemamaPodcast Website: ItsMeseidy.comCommunity:Libertas Sisters is an online community of women who embrace femininity, self-reliance, and most importantly, believe in freedom. Secure from big tech censorship; it is a sisterhood dedicated to helping its members thrive during these challenging times and navigate the chaos. Join the sisterhood!Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Feb 3, 2022
58 min

Julia Song is a political activist and commentator who has been featured on various networks. From a young age, she joined movements in her home country of Brazil against the Socialist government. Julia now lives in the USA in the state of North Carolina and has been engaged with local and national politics since 2016, vowing to help raise awareness about damaging policies she experienced in Brazil and how America can avoid following the same path.Julia shares her experience of socialist policies in Brazil and similarities that she sees in the United States.Connect with JuliaTwitter @realjuliasongEvie articlesPodcast Website: ItsMeseidy.comCommunity:Libertas Sisters is an online community of women who embrace femininity, self-reliance, and most importantly, believe in freedom. Secure from big tech censorship; it is a sisterhood dedicated to helping its members thrive during these challenging times and navigate the chaos. Join the sisterhood!Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Jan 20, 2022
56 min

Julie Mastrine is a writer at Evie Magazine and the Director of Marketing and Media Bias Ratings for AllSides.We discuss how to tell the difference between straight news, opinion, & analysis, the state of media, and how to inform yourself in a time of abundant news and media bias.Connect with JulieInstagram @julie.creatingTwitter @juliewritesWebsite juliemastrine.comPodcast Website: ItsMeseidy.comCommunity:Libertas Sisters is an online community of women who embrace femininity, self-reliance, and most importantly, believe in freedom. Secure from big tech censorship; it is a sisterhood dedicated to helping its members thrive during these challenging times and navigate the chaos. Join the sisterhood!Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Jan 6, 2022
58 min

Ep. 7 | Mitigating Inflation, Becoming a Single income Family, and ESG Investment | Hayden C. Wilson
Hayden shares some tips to protect your money from inflation, how a family can work towards living on a single income, and explains what is ESG investment. (Environmental Social Governance) Connect with HaydenInstagram @haydencwilsonEmail [email protected] the Sisterhood!Libertas Sisters membership is open until December 30. Join the email list to receive the registration link and get a 15% discount code!Libertas Sisters and online community of women who embrace femininity, self-reliance, and most importantly, believe in freedom. Secure from big tech censorship; it is a sisterhood dedicated to helping its members thrive during these challenging times and navigate the chaos. Join the sisterhood!Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Dec 16, 2021
54 min

Elizabeth and I talk about her journey to conceal carry, the importance of the second amendment, and is there such a thing as “common-sense gun laws,” and her new e-book “Women’s Guide to Conceal Carry.Listeners of It’s Meseidy can use code ITSMESEIDY for 25% off her new ebook.Connect with ElizabethInstagram @casualandtacticalE-Book: Women's Guide to Conceal Carry 25% Discount Code ITSMESEIDYJoin the Sisterhood!Libertas Sisters membership is open until December 30. Join the email list to receive the registration link and get a 15% discount code! Libertas Sisters and online community of women who embrace femininity, self-reliance, and most importantly, believe in freedom. Secure from big tech censorship; it is a sisterhood dedicated to helping its members thrive during these challenging times and navigate the chaos. Join the sisterhood!Connect with MeseidyInstagram @ItsMeseidyTwitter @ItsMeseidyLocals.comYoutubeRumbleNewsletter
Dec 2, 2021
53 min
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