This week Ahleiah & Amanda are talking about self-worth. What can we do to increase our sense of self-worth? how has having low self-worth affected us? How does having a positive & negative outlook on self-worth alter our relationships, be it romantic or platonic?
App discussed for affirmations: "I AM"
Jul 18, 2023
38 min

Joe is back this week and we are saying "hmm" to movies. Are movies trying to tell us what's really going on in our world? Our capabilities as humans, etc?
Movies, shows, and books discussed:
The Island
The Truman Show
The Wanderers by Chuck Wendig
Jul 11, 2023
40 min

This week Ahleiah and Amanda are saying "hmm" to big a** objects missing in the ocean; touching on the recent Titan submarine expedition to the Titanic and The Burmuda Triangle
Jun 27, 2023
44 min

Joe is back for another episode of things that make you say hmm. We're talking about generational shifts and societal timelines. Who put these timelines in place for us, are we following them or not, and how has it made an impact on us and how we view our lives in when we look at the big picture?
Jun 20, 2023
35 min

This week Ahleiah, Amanda, and our guest Joe are saying "hmm" to anxiety. They talk about a few of their own triggers, how they cope, and best practices in general for those who are struggling with anxiety.
Jun 13, 2023
50 min

This week Ahleiah & Amanda are saying "hmm" to different guilty pleasures. Vote at the end of the episode and tell us what your guilty pleasures are.
Jun 6, 2023
30 min

This week Ahleiah & Amanda are saying "Hmm" to female and male friendships. Can they happen without someone liking the other? Make sure to vote on Spotify!
May 30, 2023
47 min

Ahleiah & Amanda are saying "hmm" to the iphone/Samsung rivalry. Ahleiah is heated in this episode because of the encounters she has had from iphone users. What is the big deal about the green bubble, and why is samsung looked down upon in the eyes of iphone users?
May 16, 2023
31 min

This week Ahleiah and Amanda are saying "hmm" to the rise of artificial intelligence. They dive into the pros and cons of AI, how they feel about it, and different places that have started utilizing AI.
May 9, 2023
48 min

This week Ahleiah & Amanda are saying "hmm" to social media and its impact on mental health.
May 2, 2023
51 min
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