Well welcome back and happy 2023! I'm so glad to see you! Our first guest of 2023 will also be an Experts Episode! Join me as I talk to host of the podcasts “All The Hard Things”, ERP therapist for NOCD and OCD owner, Jenna Overbaugh!
Jan 19, 2023
53 min

Welcome to the bonus episodes to wrap up 2022! This week we talk about anxiety and depression stemming from grief. Come talk with us as we discuss why turtle sitting won’t make you feel better, why moving to New York isn’t as good as your anxiety makes it sound and why locking you and your mom in a closet with a bottle of wine turns out about as well as you think it would. Join me as I sit down with fitness instructor, yoga instructor and my good friend, Celeste Sanders.
Dec 3, 2022
32 min

How have we made it to the end of this season y'all? We are going out with a bang with my final guest for season 3. This person is funny as hell and vulnerable and charming. We dive into all things depression, anxiety and the pandemic. We talk about how group therapy is something I clearly need to try because it sounds amazing, why washing your hair is overrated and why you’ll never be able to completely fool your therapist. Stick around as we chat with actress, writer and survivor of the wor...
Jun 23, 2022
50 min

My guest for this episode was just so funny and easy to talk to and the way she tells her recovery story is nothing but warm and inviting. This week we talk all these trauma responses, people pleasing and codependency! We cover topics like how trauma healing takes real work, how we wish psychics would just be a little more detailed and that sometimes it's not appendicitis... you're just really constipated. Stick around as I talk with comedy writer, funny lady and my good friend Katie Hathaway...
Jun 9, 2022
48 min

We have finally made it to our experts episode for this season and I am beyond thrilled to tell you my expert is a therapist for the online therapy platform specifically for OCD treatment called NOCD. When I tell you I have been about to pop with excitement trying to keep this episode a secret I mean it. NOCD is making huge waves in the mental health world and I actually have a few friends who have been using the platform and love it. Come hang out as we discuss all things OCD, ERP ...
May 26, 2022
51 min

This week we talk all things HSP or highly sensitive persons. We cover topics like the heartfelt origins of her comedy career, her resilience in finding a medication that works for her and how we are basically comedy husbands. Stick around as we chat with stand up comedian and my friend Erin Lok.
May 19, 2022
1 hr

This week we talk all things depression. We cover topics like advocating for your mental health even if your community isn’t as open, how every bump in the road teaches us a lesson and how you’re worthy today. Stick around as we chat with singer/songwriter, actor, founder of the community Today Worthy and my good friend, Jennifer Chung.
May 17, 2022
46 min

Right off the bat I want to give a trigger warning for this week's episode. There are talks of suicide. My guest comes on to share how she has recovered from her suicidal thoughts, but if you or anyone you know are having thoughts of suicide please call the national suicide hotline at 800-273-8255.I will tell you that I haven't laughed this hard during a recording in quite some time. This week we dive into all things depression, anxiety and abandonment issues. We cover topics like: obsessivel...
May 6, 2022
36 min

This week we talk all things BPD or Borderline Personality Disorder. My guest has written a book called "The Way She Feels: My Life On The Borderline in Pictures and Pieces" which you can buy wherever you get your books. We discuss, as she calls, the charcuterie board of mental health issues we all deal with and I finally meet another person who has the same OCD compulsion as me...seriously my brain almost exploded. Stick around for one of my favorite episodes yet as we talk with author, ment...
Apr 28, 2022
49 min
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