Therapy Chat
Therapy Chat
Laura Reagan, LCSW-C
31: Mother's Day Can Be Tough!
14 minutes Posted May 5, 2016 at 5:00 pm.
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Welcome to this episode. Our topic is Mother’s Day and why it can be tough for some people. In fact, some people hate Mother’s Day because of a history of childhood emotional neglect, abuse, or trauma. Know that you’re not alone and that many people have mixed feelings about this holiday. Let’s discuss it!

What you’ll hear in this episode:I hear four reasons from clients as to why Mother’s Day can be tough: 

  • “My mom isn’t here and I miss her.”
    • Solution: Find ways to honor your feelings and her memory.
  • “I’m dealing with infertility.”
    • Solution: Celebrate however YOU want, even if it’s unconventional.
  • “My childhood included neglect, abuse, or trauma.”
    • Solution: Do what makes you feel special and nurtured.
  • “I’m a single mom who is unsupported EVERY day of the year.”
    • Solution: Reach out to a friend who is also a single mom.
  • I have two recommendations that might help deal with a difficult Mother’s Day:
    • Avoid social media on Mother’s Day and the day after.
    • Try a little self-nurturing lovingkindness meditation:
      • Called “metta,” it includes simple breathing awareness and the repeated phrases, “May I be safe, May I be happy, May I be kind to myself, and May I be free of suffering.”
    • Remember, you are NOT alone. Therapy can help!
    • Visit for two free downloads and meditation help.



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