The Zozone Layer Podcast

The Zozone Layer

Vib and Eliza
Podcast by Vib and Eliza
Episode 3 - With Special Guest Zooey Deschanel
once i learn how to post episodes in a timely manner its over for you fools @ZozoneLayer @nakedfrasier @vibekeii @ZooeyDeschanel
Apr 12, 2018
55 min
Episode 2 - Quinsanity
the zozone's layer's sophmore slump. this is our pinkerton vib's tumblr - @vibekei eliza's twitter - @nakedfrasier the collective hivemind twitter - @zozonelayer
Mar 29, 2018
48 min
Episode 1 - Pilot
NBC agreed to pick up our pilot, and if enough people listen to it, we can get a whole season out of it. This could be our big Hollywood debut! also vib left her fan on the entire time and its all her fault. not mine. eliza - vib -
Jan 14, 2018
53 min