The X-Files Podcast
The X-Files Podcast
LSG Media
4-18: "Max"
1 hour 13 minutes Posted Nov 22, 2021 at 9:00 pm.
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It appears as if the X-Files Podcast has been temporarily extended, and come to find out, "Hot Potato" Pendrell had a first name, but don't ask Scully what that name is, as she has no idea whatsoever. She is too distracted by her whimsical monologue about Mulder's gift and the sacrifice of 'great' men. Additionally, we learn that Scully, the most qualified doctor in the bar where Agent Pendrell was fatally shot, decides that she is going to run around with her gun, rather than administer life-saving aid to her rapidly expiring coworker. And dear listener, don't fret, we WILL talk about the finer points of the episode.


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