It’s a brand new year and so many people are looking forward to the future, which is awesome. They're designing their goals and dreams for the new year. But what we wanted to do before we look toward the future, we wanted to discuss and meditate on the importance of remembering the past. In Episode 2 we’re talking about the importance of remembering. We take a look through scripture at what remembering means in the narrative of the Bible and we talk about what remembering means to us individually.
Jan 21, 2020
35 min

What does it mean to compartmentalize your faith? In this first episode of The Woven Life Podcast we discuss what it could be like for Jesus to break down the walls we construct to keep our lives safe, manageable, and comfortable. We talk about how we can take some steps to allow the Holy Spirit to have unrestricted access in every area of our lives. As followers of Jesus, we want our lives completely intertwined with His--His revelation, His power, His suffering, and His living and active word.
Jan 7, 2020
46 min

Welcome to the introduction episode of The Woven Life Podcast! In this episode we discuss how the Lord brought us together, how he led us to start this podcast, and the heart behind The Woven Life.
Nov 14, 2019
26 min