Alex Epstein's new book, "Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas- Not Less" argues against today's climate change agenda. He provides the framework for this agenda. It is the framework that posits more danger than we think.
Feb 9, 2023
40 min

Amazon released a new series, "The Rig." The show provides a few talk points including environmental consequences. But it is just a just horror thriller or a message about climate change?
Jan 13, 2023
24 min

MAPS vs Pedophile? Which word is suitable for today's culture? Advocates on both sides want people to understand why accepting one or removing the other affects individuals at every level.
Jan 10, 2023
19 min

We have seen heroes show us why we root for them. But sometimes it feels like we need more. Sometimes we wish they would do more. Why? Do we feel like justice isn't satisfied when heroes win? What makes us think heroes are allowed to blur the lines here and there?
Dec 20, 2022
22 min

Qatar hosting the 2022 World Cup was a controversy before the ceremony started. Western countries continued to criticize certain Qatari policies. The clash of worldviews was the first actual game played on a different field.
Dec 12, 2022
29 min

Roe v. Wade went down to the states. But the abortion debate is not slowing down. We discuss Yelp's flagging of anti-abortion clinics and how abortion is the fuel for a political party seeking to remain in power.
Sep 15, 2022
21 min

Boston Children's Hospital received backlash over YouTube videos on gender-affirming surgeries.
Children's hospitals harassed over transgender care programs | AP News
Aug 19, 2022
24 min

The U.S Supreme Court draft leak has caused an uproar. States will take matters into their hands if Roe v. Wade is struck down. California is one of those states. Adam Beam outlines how California will provide abortion services post-Roe in a recent AP article.
Link to article: 'Roe' under threat, California leans in as abortion refuge | AP News
May 6, 2022
36 min

A recent article in the Associated Press makes certain claims about medical treatment benefits for transgender individuals. We discuss its claims and implications.
Article: EXPLAINER: What medical treatments do transgender youth get? | AP News
Apr 22, 2022
34 min

I review an article from the WNG concerning a possible private school and its biblical views.
Article: Religious schools need not apply? | WORLD (wng.org)
Apr 15, 2022
28 min
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