For women to band together and create powerful networks, we must realize the pool of opportunities is as endless as we make it. And that one woman’s power and success is a reflection on all of us. we are here to Empower, I want US (women) to be invited to speak at events, to attend conferences, to be given platforms because what we as women have to say is interesting, insightful and hopefully can provide inspiration to other women, and men. Because We Rise by lifting others and we believe that all Women are capable of amazing things.
Jun 27, 2021
45 min

In order to meet success, long-term relationships do take work. Many couples share in the sense that their relationships lack fulfillment after a period of time. While turmoil in any relationship is part of the course, long-term feelings of neglect, or no romance in a relationship are not. Lets talk about Romance.
Jun 19, 2021
43 min

Companies have started to realize that happy employees make for successful employees, which means you don’t need to completely separate your professional life from your personal life anymore. But is this true so why Code switch? Code-switching, process of shifting from one linguistic code (a language or dialect) to another, depending on the social context or conversational setting. As Working women we do this sometimes without knowing.
May 26, 2021
31 min

Many people do not consider their life stages when it comes to a relationship.In some instances, marriage issues occur simply because both spouses have outgrown each other and want more out of life from someone else.This can lead to Divorce.Divorce is overwhelming. You are trying to move forward in the face of immense loss, anxiety, and fear, but the strongest women quickly learn how to take back the power in their life. They turn what most people think of as a tragedy into something wonderfully transformative and life-changing.
May 18, 2021
41 min

Before you exchange vows, it’s important that you and your partner each disclose your full financial circumstances to each other. Because marriage is a legal and financial decision—the government couldn’t care less how in love you are—you need to know what risks you are taking by binding yourself to another person. Disclose all assets and liabilities (including those from a previous marriage, if applicable, or responsibilities you have for members of your family). Obtain both of your credit reports and credit scores from all three credit bureaus. Sit down and review each other’s balance sheets together and discuss any concerns.
May 11, 2021
36 min

Passion is an emotion that comes from within you. It is your enthusiasm, your zeal, your drive and your motivation. You don't want to just feel passionate about your job, you want to put passion into it. Most of us work hard and put 100 percent in the company we work for. why not put 100 percent in yourself or your company.
Apr 17, 2021
48 min

Cheating is one of those things that we all think we know the definition of, but all it takes is asking two or more people what their definition of cheating is to figure out that it's not so cut-and-dry as we thought. While most of us can agree that "having sex" with someone outside your monogamous agreement is cheating, that's about where our mutual understanding ends. Listen in to the podcast and hear how it happens!
Apr 2, 2021
45 min

Guest star Ann Glenn is nutritionist an expert in the relationship between food and health. she is a professionals that work with patients to apply principles of nutrition for disease prevention and to promote healthy lifestyles. Listen into the working wives podcast and receive a free 30 minute consultation.
Mar 19, 2021
34 min

Women are considered to be the backbone of a family as they have a high level of patience to deal with every issue. Since many decades, the world has been witnessing the power of women. Some women prefer to stay as housewives while some decide to continue working even after marriage. Earlier, the people across the world were narrow minded and women had their roles....so how did you become the wife you are today?
Mar 4, 2021
52 min

we discuss ways that diets fail us especially when you are on the go . Health and weight loss are sometimes a struggle. We are not experts but we want to provide everyday life hacks and tools to balance your personal and professional life. When the world tells you that you can’t have it all, we are living proof that you can.
Feb 26, 2021
36 min
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