The Wooden Pants Network Podcast

The Wooden Pants Network

Wooden Pants Network
The Wooden Pants Network provides shows which inspire listeners and make them think about their own writing, leaps, businesses, and beauty.
Unfrustrated - Five Steps to Unfrustrate Yourself and Move Forward
You're stuck. Something is stopping you from moving forward in your relationship, business, and life in general. It's driving you nuts! How do you unfrustrate yourself and move forward? We have five suggestions which can help you take the first step toward reaching that destination. 1. What is stopping you? 2. Have you run dry with an existing idea or program? 3. What do you want your next move to be? 4. What do you need to take that next step? 5. When you do take that step, what is the next one? This episode's sponsor: Blinkist:  The Blinkist app summarizes 2500+ bestselling nonfiction books into packs of key insights that you can read or listen to in just 15 minutes. Get your 7-day free trial at
Oct 19, 2018
17 min
Unfrustrated - Seven Steps to Unfrustrated Yourself From Current Events
Is the current state of current events ticking you off? Do you spend the available moments in your day looking at news sites and social media? Is the anger boiling up inside you affecting your work and life? On today's "Unfrustrated," we offer seven steps to unfrustrate yourself from current events. It doesn't mean ignoring them. Rather, it's to help you take a step back and turn the anger into something more productive. 1. This is not new 2. Be angry, but not all day 3. Step away from it - especially social media 4. Turn that anger into something productive 5. Be creative 6. Talk to someone on the opposite side of the argument - face-to-face 7. Every negative has a positive Today's sponsor:  ScoutPuppy Local. Advertising anywhere else is JUST PLAIN STUPID! Visit now and SAVE YOUR business today.?
Oct 5, 2018
26 min
Unfrustrated - Seven Steps to Unfrustrate Yourself From Debt
How do you unfrustrate yourself from debt? No matter how much debt you have, there's always an inkling at the back of your mind telling you it needs to be paid off. Yet, you're not sure how. We discuss seven steps to help move you forward on today's episode of "Unfrustrated." 1. Panic isn't going to get you anywhere 2. A dollar made is a dollar more than you had 3. Stop spending on the non-necessities 4. Stop taking from Peter to pay Paul 5. Determine todebt-to-income ratio 6. Read or listen to Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover 7. Get help where you can This Week's Sponsors: The Next Year Now Podcast. Hosted by Tom Heffner, this podcast uncovers everyday, purposeful habits and practices to help you thrive at work and in life. Learn More at ScoutPuppy Local. Advertising anywhere else is JUST PLAIN STUPID! Visit now and SAVE YOUR business today.
Oct 2, 2018
21 min
Unfrustrated - Unfrustrate Yourself From Anxiety
How can you unfrustrate yourself from anxiety? Not the normal anxieties of test taking or going on a date. These are anxieties that exhaust you, darken your world, constantly repeat themselves until your heart feels like it's going to burst. How do you get past these anxieties to breathe again? We discuss five things which may help. 1. Determine the cause of the anxiety 2. Ask yourself, is it real or exaggerated? 3. Talk to it as best as you can 4. Make it sleepy 5. If these don't work, get help This week's sponsor: ScoutPuppy Local. Advertising anywhere else, IS JUST PLAIN STUPID! Go to now and SAVE YOUR business today.
Sep 28, 2018
19 min
Unfrustrated - Unfrustrate Yourself When Setting a Big Goal
How do you unfrustrate yourself when setting a big goal? What steps can you take to get past the anxiety, depression, and hopelessness in order to accomplish your desires? Today, we mention five things which can help ease the frustration along the way.  1. Mean It - No Backsies 2. Don't make the deadline too close 3. Map out how you're going to do reach the goal 4. Make sacrifices (except with your family) 5. Celebrate every small accomplishment This Week's Sponsors: Relentless MV. Learn how to go from good to great to unstoppable from September 28th to 30th at Lambert's Cove Inn on Martha's Vineyard. Learn more at The Next Year Now Podcast. Hosted by Tom Heffner, this podcast uncovers everyday, purposeful habits and practices to help you thrive at work and in life. Learn More at
Sep 25, 2018
14 min
Unfrustrated - Unfrustrate Yourself From Procrastination
Are you a procrastinator?  Get your mind out of the gutter, please! Do you look around your house, your office, your family, and see the projects which you committed to complete? However, you ended up doing nothing about them and focusing on something else? Probably something mind-numbing?  Today, we want to help you unfrustrate yourself from procrastination to accomplish all of your tasks. We're doing it by asking the following questions: Who are you procrastinating for? Yourself or someone else who has a project? What are you doing to procrastinate? Where do you procrastinate the most? When do you procrastinate? Why did you decide to procrastinate? How are you going to stop it? Our Sponsors Relentless MV. Learn how to go from good to great to unstoppable from September 28th to 30th at Lambert's Cove Inn on Martha's Vineyard. Learn more at Blinkist. Five million people use Blinkist to expand their minds 15 minutes at a time. Get started on your new learning journey with a seven-day free trial. Go to for more details.
Sep 21, 2018
20 min
Unfrustrated - Five Books to Help Unfrustrate Your Life
It's time to unfrustrate your life through reading! We recommend five books which helped host Rich Keller get through some tough times and start to unravel some of his frustrations. They are: Dave Ramsey -Total Money Makeover Mel Robbins - The Five Second Rule Joel Osteen - Become a Better You Juliana Park - The Abundance Loop Steve Horsman - Straight Talk Tools for the Desperate Husband: How To Become A Masculine, Confident Man Who Can Fix His Marriage Without Looking Like A Controlling A**hole
Sep 18, 2018
17 min
Unfrustrated - Big Dreams With Little Motivation
How do you make your dreams come true when you have little motivation to do so?  One thing is to work hard, because success comes when that happens. The other thing to do is put down the remote and get off the couch! When that's done, incorporate the following items of C.O.U.C.H. Concentrate Organize Unplug Calm Have Patience Host Rich Keller provides more details on this episode of "Unfrustrated." Our Sponsors Kabbage. Receive a $100 gift card when you qualify for up to $250,000 of small business funding. Visit to for more information. That's Kabbage with a K. ScoutPuppy Local. Advertising anywhere else, IS JUST PLAIN STUPID! Go to now and SAVE YOUR business today. Relentless MV. Learn how to go from good to great to unstoppable from September 28th to 30th at Lambert's Cove Inn on Martha's Vineyard. Learn more at
Sep 14, 2018
19 min
Unfrustrated - Five Things to Start Unfrustrating Your Life
How do you remove frustrations? Not simply from your business, but from your life, your family, your finances? What allows you to reach those heights of happiness and achievement so you can put the "un" prefix in front of frustrated? This is what the rechristened Unfrustrated podcast is about -- how to reach those goals without the constant chatter or questions in your head.  On today's program, we discuss five ways to start unfrustrating yourself; 1. If it's done, it's done. 2. You didn't fail. You learned a lesson. 3. Focus on your greatness 4. Find yourself 5. Get back out there Our Sponsors We're sponsored by Kabbage. Receive a $100 gift card when you qualify for up to $250,000 of small business funding. Visit to for more information. That's Kabbage with a K. We're also sponsored by ScoutPuppy Local. Just $89 bucks a month with NO CONTRACT gets your NEW ONE PAGE WEBSITE ON STEROIDS to OVER 200 HUNDRED SEARCH ENGINES so your business can finally compete with the big guys! Sign up at
Sep 7, 2018
19 min
The Unfrustrated Entrepreneur: Depression, Anxiety, and Entrepreneurship
How do you unfrustrate yourself when you're constantly frustrated? Perhaps you suffer from depression or anxiety. Or the very uncomfortable combination of both. If you feel incomplete, not worthy of your business, how do you continue to move forward to make it a success? I have some experience in this, and I'll talk about it today on The Unfrustrated Entrepreneur. This Week's Sponsors: The Kabbage Card helps you simply and cover your expenses in one place. Visit to qualify. That's Kabbage with a K.Jonar's ParagonERP is a game changer for enterprise software landscape. It focuses on an awesome user experience, simpler customizations, painless implementations and lower upfront costs. Learn more at
Jun 15, 2018
26 min
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