The Dragon Reborn Chapters 41-43
We're happy to be back and diving back into "The Dragon Reborn". Join us this week as our party finally enter the city of Illian only to find nightmares, assassin's daggers waiting on the wind, and dark forces ruling the city.
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Jan 9, 2024
2 hr 4 min

The Dragon Reborn Chapters 38-40
A super-sized 50th episode special continues our journey through the World of the Wheel. There is new information about the Aiel, new revelations about Nyneave's power, and perhaps a new side to Mat. All this and more as we celebrate this milestone, and move closer to the climax of The Dragon Reborn.
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Youtube and Facebook at “The Wind Was a Beginning: A Wheel of Time Podcast”
Jun 6, 2023
2 hr 22 min

The Dragon Reborn Chapters 35-37
Thanks for joining us as we once again dive into The Dragon Reborn and Robert Jordan's world of The Wheel of Time. This week surprises and danger abound at every turn as we take ship once again only to encounter new mysteries along with distributing and almost deadly dreams.
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May 16, 2023
1 hr 19 min

The Dragon Reborn Chapters 32-34
It feels so good to be back as we once again dive into The Dragon Reborn and Robert Jordan's world of The Wheel of Time. This week we take on topics of luck, good and evil, and learning not to just barge into rooms. Oh, and of course, assassins.
Email us at [email protected]
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Instagram at thewindwasabeginning
Youtube and Facebook at “The Wind Was a Beginning: A Wheel of Time Podcast”
May 2, 2023
1 hr 19 min

Dragon Reborn Chapters 29-31
A convenient meeting in the nick of time sets our girls path. While elsewhere Mat sets out with a plan to escape the city and finally be free. Before he can escape though he has a wild night ahead of him. One filled with coin, old friends, and knives waiting in the dark.
Contest Rules:
1. You must like the post for this episode and be following us on social media.
2. Comment on the post, “I would like to share a cup of kaf with…” and tell us a character from the story so far.
3. Share the post by tagging friends, retweeting, sharing publicly, etc.
4. Entries must be in by Feb. 17. Winner will be announced on our 50th episode (S3 E15)
Email us at [email protected]
Interact with us on Social Media on
Twitter @windbeginning
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Instagram at thewindwasabeginning
Youtube and Facebook at “The Wind Was a Beginning: A Wheel of Time Podcast”
Feb 14, 2023
1 hr 10 min

Dragon Reborn Chapters 26-28
Plots and traps abound as the girls dive head first into danger and the world of dreams. Decisions must be made and and for one young man a way out may be just within reach.
Contest Rules:
1. You must like the post for this episode and be following us on social media.
2. Comment on the post, “I would like to share a cup of kaf with…” and tell us a character from the story so far.
3. Share the post by tagging friends, retweeting, sharing publicly, etc.
4. Entries must be in by Feb. 17. Winner will be announced on our 50th episode (S3 E15)
Email us at [email protected]
Interact with us on Social Media on
Twitter @windbeginning
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Instagram at thewindwasabeginning
Youtube and Facebook at “The Wind Was a Beginning: A Wheel of Time Podcast”
Jan 31, 2023
1 hr 13 min

Dragon Reborn Chapters 24-25
An epic duel with an unexpected outcome, a familiar face brings a surprising message, and a special announcement concerning our upcoming 50th episode. All that and more this week as we discuss Chapters 24 and 25 of The Dragon Reborn.
Contest Rules:
1. You must like the post for this episode and be following us on social media.
2. Comment on the post, “I would like to share a cup of kaf with…” and tell us a character from the story so far.
3. Share the post by tagging friends, retweeting, sharing publicly, etc.
4. Entries must be in by Feb. 17. Winner will be announced on our 50th episode (S3 E15)
Email us at [email protected]
Interact with us on Social Media on
Twitter @windbeginning
Tik Tok - windbeginning
Instagram at thewindwasabeginning
Youtube and Facebook at “The Wind Was a Beginning: A Wheel of Time Podcast”
Jan 24, 2023
1 hr 22 min

Dragon Reborn Chapters 21-23
A World of Dreams, a test of fears, and a near catastrophe. Egwene faces many challenges this week as we discuss Chaptesr 21-23 of The Dragon Reborn.
Email us at [email protected]
Interact with us on Social Media on
Twitter @windbeginning
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Instagram at thewindwasabeginning
Youtube and Facebook at “The Wind Was a Beginning: A Wheel of Time Podcast”
Jan 17, 2023
1 hr 25 min

Dragon Reborn Chapters 19-20
Mat finally awakens only to find himself alone in a strange place with a spotty and troubling memory at best. Soon visitors arrive bringing disturbing offers and leaving him feeling trapped.
Email us at [email protected]
Interact with us on Social Media on
Twitter @windbeginning
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Instagram at thewindwasabeginning
Youtube and Facebook at “The Wind Was a Beginning: A Wheel of Time Podcast”
Jan 10, 2023
1 hr 2 min

Dragon Reborn Chapters 16-18
Conspiracy and mistrust run rampent as our girls strive to decide who can be trusted. New threats arise as old worries resurface. Then as we worry it may be to late we finally learn Mat's fate.
Email us at [email protected]
Interact with us on Social Media on
Twitter @windbeginning
Tik Tok - windbeginning
Instagram at thewindwasabeginning
Youtube and Facebook at “The Wind Was a Beginning: A Wheel of Time Podcast”
Jan 3, 2023
1 hr 17 min
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