The Week in Health Law
The Week in Health Law
142. Nicolas Terry: State Law Reactions to Trumpcare
24 minutes Posted Aug 15, 2018 at 7:33 pm.
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These four episodes were recorded at the 2018 SEALS conference. Four of us got together as a panel to discuss Healthcare in the Era of the Trump Administration. I was joined by Nicole Huberfeld, Professor of Health Law, Ethics & Human Rights, Health Law, Policy & Management at Boston University’s School of Public Health, Zack Buck, Assistant Professor of Law and Wilkinson Junior Research Professor at the University of Tennessee, and Jennifer Bard, Professor of Law in the College of Law at the University of Cincinnati with a joint appointment in the Department of Internal Medicine at the College of Medicine. She is currently a Visiting Scholar at the O’Neill Institute for Local and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law Center. This was a panel, not a typical studio recording so to get the most out of it you may wish to download our slides that are linked at