The Weeb and The Cazh Podcast

The Weeb and The Cazh

This is the podcast where you get to hear thoughts and opinions of a degenerate weeb (Rex), and a filthy casual, or cazh (Alex). Here we'll talk about anime, manga, the larger nerd and anime fandom, and all that other jazzy smazzy stuff. UwU. 
Talking Demon Slayer (Ft Will Cahoon)
In this episode, Rex and Alex are joined by returning guest Will to discuss the much beloved shounen anime series Demon Slayer, or Kimetsu No Yaiba if you're a freaking weeb.
Oct 12, 2023
1 hr 50 min
Adventures in Japan (Ft. Saradubisz)
In this episode, Rex and Alex are joined again by Saradubisz, this time hear her regail us with her tales of glory and honor from the land of the Rising Sun! Especially Tokyo Disneyland! We also hear Rex gush about how he went  to a maid cafe again for like...fifteen minutes straight. In other news, food is good in Japan! 
Sep 27, 2023
2 hr 3 min
Live Action Anime Adaptations: Where did it all go wrong?
In this episode, Rex and Alex discuss the many live action anime adaptations that have come out over the years, and how the overwhelming majority of them are hot garbage, but could there be some that break the mold...? 
Sep 7, 2023
1 hr 14 min
An Austintatious Episode (Ft Austin Coleman)
In this episode, Alex and Rex welcome Austin Coleman onto the episode to discuss his journey in anime, and his exploits in cosplays as well. Austin is a super cool dude, and Alex and Rex may or may not have just become best friends with him...(We also shared a mic during this episode so apologies for the less than stellar audio quality)
Aug 23, 2023
2 hr 2 min
Akiba Maid War: THAT MAID'S GOT A GUN!
Rule One about Maid Girl Fight Club, you don't talk about Maid Girl Fight Club...unless you're The Weeb, in which case I can do whatever the hell I want, because f*** you and your cat. If you have made it this far in the description, good for you, in this episode Alex and Rex talk about one of the most criminally underrated anime to come out last year, Akiba Maid War. It's good. Watch it. If you don't believe me, listen to this episode and then go watch it. Regardless, I would hope you listen to this episode...Pwease? UwU
Aug 9, 2023
1 hr 18 min
Manga Corner: Dai Dark, Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle, and more!
In this episode, Alex and Rex discuss several new manga they began reading, including Go Go Loser Ranger, 7th Time Loop, Dai Dark, and Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle! What they have to say may surprise and enthrall you. Butt stuff. 
Aug 1, 2023
1 hr 30 min
Summer 2023 Anime
The bois are back to talk about all that new stuff coming out...word. Also, they are psychos that decided that they are going to watch every show that is coming out this season...Freaking mad lads.
Jul 21, 2023
1 hr 15 min
Talking Nintendo (Ft Saradubisz)
Rex and Alex are excited to welcome another special guest onto their show! This time they have Sarah on from Saradubisz to discuss all things Pokemon, Mario, and Nintendo! 
Jul 14, 2023
1 hr 44 min
It's Muffin Time! (Ft Muffintoppu)
In this episode, Rex and Alex are excited to have Muffin on as their latest and greatest guest! Muffin is a very talented content creator, model, actress, and FORMER J-POP IDOL?! This girl has done it all! 
Jun 30, 2023
2 hr 3 min
Rex and Alex talk about the 2023 anime film Suzume, and also spend a large portion of the episode talking about manga and comics that don't have anything to do with Suzume because this is The Weeb and The Cazh, what did you think was going to happen?
Jun 16, 2023
1 hr 11 min
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