Practical Intuition with Kay
Practical Intuition with Kay
Kay Lock Kolp, M. Ed.
093: We Visit a Wonder-Filled Podcast on Today's Podcast Field Trip!
23 minutes Posted Jul 28, 2016 at 2:00 am.
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Have you ever found a podcast that resonates with you really deeply? If so, maybe it's Good Life Project by Jonathan Fields! (If not, get in touch with me at, and share – I'd love to hear what yours is, and why.)

Before we head out on our podcast field trip, I want to update you all on the Ninja Parenting Community… as i record this episode, I'm still working to fix the tiny technical issue that has held up the community's opening – but by the time this airs, the glitch may be worked out… Hopefully… Fingers crossed!

But whether it's open yet or not, it will be open soon, and it's a really great community to belong to if you're worrying about any aspect of parenting your young kids:

If they're having trouble in daycare or you're worried about that looming first day of school; If you need help balancing work, family, and taking care of you; If you're finding yourself in need of more support than We Turned Out Okay alone can give;

I hope you'll check it out – go to to learn more!

And now, it's time to board the big yellow field trip bus that has pulled into our summer camp parking lot, heading out to one of my very favorite podcasts. Go to to grab the links and come on the field trip!