This is a special episode, a more of a thinking type of episode. I hope you enjoy
Nov 10, 2020
20 min

My guest and I talk about politics today! announcement: I will be taking a break from uploading on the podcast to do some life problems. thank you for understanding, and when we come back, the podcast will be up and running in full swing
Nov 9, 2020
53 min

Today I was joined by someone very special and very dear to me, and we had a conversation about what can be considered the hardest thing to get by. Death.
Sep 10, 2020
49 min

Today my guest and I talk about a form of drugs many people enjoy, psychedelics
Sep 9, 2020
1 hr 10 min

Today on my podcast, my guest and I talked about love and all these different things that go into love and that can make a person fall in and out of love
Sep 9, 2020
56 min

This is an episode where you get to learn about me, your host!! hope you enjoy
Sep 8, 2020
20 min