The Unwavering Podcast

The Unwavering

Kevin Barba
The movement dedicated to educating & empowering the brave men & women who have or are currently serving our great nation. By sharing experiences, benefits & resources we will build a community that strives to help service members reach their full potential.
A Difficult Transition out of the Military
In this episode we talk to our good friend Jose Inoa who's transition from the military into the civilian workforce was anything but seamless. From having a 9 year military education in aviation ordinance & pyrotechnics that didn't open doors for him outside the service to being behind on several months of tuition because the VA had transferred funds to a different "pot" his strides seemed perilous at times, but he never gave up. Find out how he made it out, found a new calling in IT & what resources he took advantage of as a service member. 
Feb 22, 2021
30 min
Life Skills For Soldiers
We interview Army Junior Captain, Brendan Duebner about his military non-profit, Life Skills For Soldiers (LSFS). He discusses the "train the trainer" method that has made his organization so successful in improving the lives of soldiers, as well as what makes service members feel more inclined to reach out for help or guidance during difficult times. Whether its learning how to budget, long term investments, or making an expensive purchase they are developing courses to make talking about finances less taboo.
Feb 15, 2021
23 min
Veteran Pen Pal Project
The Holiday Season can be lonely for many people, including some of our military veterans in hospice care. Find out how Christina “Christie” Etchberger & her organization It’s A Military Life are teaming up to write 10,000 letters during the Holidays to show their appreciation for our elderly veterans.
Nov 12, 2020
21 min
Maximizing Your Military Education Benefits
Don't waste time, take full advantage of your free education benefits! If you are on Active Duty, Tuition Assistance (TA) & Clep Testing may help you get your degree faster than you expected. As a veteran or retiree, you can use the Post 9/11 GI Education Bill for a formal education at a 4 year university (nationally or internationally), getting your pilots license, attending a certified trade school or an abundance of other programs.  Join us as we interview Evan Thomsen about how he maximized his military education benefits.
Jul 2, 2020
26 min
Business Opportunities in a Recession
How did companies like Walmart, Disney, Whats App & Instagram start during recessions & disrupt entire industries, changing how we live our lives? Starting a business is not easy, especially during an economic downturn, but there are opportunities for those willing to search.  Join us as we share specific examples of simple business ideas, helpful resources for you as a member of the military community & how to begin thinking "big picture."
Jun 18, 2020
42 min
From Air Force Mechanic to ABC's Shark Tank
How many risks would you take to bring your dreams to life? For Tom Burden, the Founder/CEO of Grypmat his invention was so important that he was willing to sell his home & live out of his car just to purchase more inventory for his business. In this episode we discuss what tools & resources he used as a military service member as well as his rise to Forbes 30 Under 30 after appearing on ABC's Shark Tank. Join us for this powerful interview & learn what tools are available to you as a military/veteran entrepreneur. 
Jun 11, 2020
41 min
The Spouse Angle w/ Natalie Gross
We interview Natalie Gross about her childhood experience growing up in a military community. From the separation & strain felt when her father was gone on deployment or various TDY’s to her developing close bonds with friends that have lasted into her adulthood. We also discuss the incredible work she as doing as a journalist & podcast host of ‘ The Spouse Angle, ’ a podcast covering military news on things like base housing & healthcare issues to benefits for military children. Please if haven’t heard her podcast yet, give it a listen.
May 7, 2020
22 min
Helping Service Members Find New Careers
With roughly 250,000 service members leaving the military each year, there is a growing talent pool of individuals who are career oriented, driven & experienced. One of the main issues they face upon separating from the service is that while they have an incredible set of education, experiences & skills, they have no idea how to translate them. This leads to them losing out on opportunities or in some cases not reaching their full potential. The great news is that organizations like SHIFT are helping service members (active duty & veterans) from both the enlisted & officer side of the house to translate their military history into something credible in the eyes of employers. They are also opening doors to DOD Skillbridge fellowships & meaningful jobs with organizations like Cisco, the MLB & Uber.
Apr 30, 2020
35 min
Social Adaptability : US & Australian Veterans
Regardless of where we served or during what time period, there are certain fears & challenges that many of us face as we separate from the military. One of those universal fears is “not being good enough”… According to Barry Zworestine, a military veteran & psychologist, that self-doubt is an issue that many Australian veterans are facing as well. So the question is, are the challenges we face as veterans, of social adaptability & mental health exclusive to a single nation or are there lessons we can learn from others?
Apr 23, 2020
25 min
COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Plan
Did you know if you are currently on active duty as an E-1 to E-8 or an O-3 with less than 8 years in the military you should be eligible to receive the full amount of money from the US Treasury Office? While the economic stimulus package is designed to help all Americans who made under $75k as single filers or $150k as a couple, there are stipulations that may delay your payment or make certain individuals ineligible…
Apr 16, 2020
20 min
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