The Unmistakable Creative Podcast
The Unmistakable Creative Podcast
Srinivas Rao
Support podcast
From Living in a Trailer to a House of Moxie With Ashley Ambirge
41 minutes Posted Jul 26, 2015 at 5:00 pm.
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In this episode of the Unmistakable Creative podcast, we welcome back Ashley Ambirge, the audacious founder of The Middle Finger Project and CEO of House of Moxie, Inc. Ashley's journey is nothing short of inspiring, as she navigates her way from living in a trailer to establishing a wildly successful copywriting business.

Ashley's story is a testament to resilience and the power of self-reliance. Her experiences, both the hardships and triumphs, have shaped her into the person she is today. She shares how necessity became the catalyst for her independence and how she learned to navigate both success and failure. Ashley emphasizes the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself in challenging situations, as these are the moments that truly define us.

In this conversation, Ashley also delves into the importance of generosity and how flipping the script on our internal narratives can serve us. She talks about developing a unique voice that resonates with people, a voice that is as powerful as a crowbar to the face. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration and practical advice on building a successful business from the ground up. Follow Ashley on Twitter @tmfproject to keep up with her latest insights and projects.

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