The University of God's Grace & Mercy (growing through life's storms) Podcast

The University of God's Grace & Mercy (growing through life's storms)

Mike Bethune
TUOGGM was created to help us all (humanity), recognize and appreciate how God's Grace & Mercy helps us to "grow" through our most difficult life experiences, and not simply "go" through them. God uses every single part of our life experiences to teach us, shape us, mold us, and eventually make us into who and what He purposed us to become. And our most difficult experiences, are the one's that develop us the most, although they feel like they've come to destroy us. TUOGGM helps us all to fully embrace God's Grace & Mercy in our lives, especially during our most difficult times.
Going From Survival to Revival!
Viruses only expose areas that were already weakened. So whatever weaknesses that God has exposed during this season, He now expects us to shift in them from "Survival to Revival!" No more barely hanging on, it's time to let God breathe new life into those areas that were either dead or weakened in ALL of our lives!
May 15, 2020
9 min
What Do You Expect?
Regardless of how many times people have let us down, and how many times we've let others down, God can still be trusted! Put your complete and total expectation back in and on Him, and expect things to begin to change in your life! Psalm 62:5
May 9, 2020
20 min
More Than Enough!
Difficulties come into all of our lives, and they sometimes feel like they've come to destroy us, when in fact, they could have come to develop us. Either way, God promised that His Grace would be Sufficient, which means "More than Enough" to accomplish the task, even with the pain in your life.
May 6, 2020
13 min
What is The University of Grace & Mercy?
This episode explains in detail, what the overall purpose and intention of this Podcast is.
May 4, 2020
15 min