The Universe Has Your Business Podcast

The Universe Has Your Business

Andrew Donovan
There's a lot of conflicting advice out there that can make a well-intending entrepreneur feel like they're pulled in a lot of directions when it comes to how to align with the success and growth you desire. Loads of coaches say that the secret to your next break through is to push harder, overcome more, build smarter funnels, get better leads, hire more help, and to take faster, bolder, bigger, more intense action. But if you're an entrepreneur who follows a spiritual practice, you're likely also being told that you should be more like a flowing river, to let go and let God, to trust that the Universe has your back, to allow Law of Attraction to do the heavy lifting. How do these age-old pearls of wisdom blend with the ever-evolving landscape of digital entrepreneurship, especially when a lot of people achieving the results you want (like money, influence, and freedom) are preaching things contrary to spiritual wisdom traditions? I'm Andrew Donovan, and I want to share with you my journey of building my own 6 and 7-figure online companies, and coaching and creating systems for other multi-million and billion dollar companies - my journey of going from hustle and efforting to literally allowing the Universe handle the details of my success. Want to know what the sweet spot is between these two ideals? Hit the subscribe button and I'll see you in the podcast.
Series Finale
It's the end of an era and the start of something NEW and EXCITING! After launching The Universe Has Your Business into the top 5% of podcasts worldwide (thanks to YOU!), we realized that the subject matter of the podcast is applicable to ANY IMPORTANT PART OF LIFE, not just business. We're pleased to announce the finale of this podcast and the start of a NEW podcast, The Universe Says YES! It's the same soul-stirring content you love - but in a new format that fits into all the important life areas you're ready to uplevel.   Be sure to subscribe here: The Universe Says YES
Aug 31, 2022
2 min
Mastering the Ego to Be a Better Leader
To become an effective leader, you need to learn how to control your ego. Our guest for today, Christie Garcia, tells us that ego is just our unconscious brain. Christie is the Founder of Mindful Choice Leadership Academy. They help individuals and teams master the unconscious behaviors that limit leadership potential.
Nov 19, 2021
28 min
"Link in the Bio" - What Should You Put There?
Most businesses have a "link in the bio" on their Instagram and other social profiles. But most of these profiles struggle to turn online followers into actual leads that can be marketed and sold to. In this episode we'll talk about growing a following VS growing your list, which one will have more sustainable impact on your business, and how to leverage the link in your bio to ensure you are capitalizing on the traffic that goes through your social media channels.
Nov 12, 2021
17 min
Raise Your Energy Any Time You're Low
You know when you're feeling on your A-Game, showing up authentically with high energy, and performing your best. But what about those weeks (or months!) when you feel like your energy is lower than usual? What about those times when challenges in your personal or professional life drag things down and you feel like you just can't get out of a rut? Sometimes this is a random morning, and sometimes it's a whole season of struggle. Today we're talking about how to raise your energy at any time - whether you've been low for a few minutes or whether it's been much longer than that. When you master the principles in this episode, you'll find you have access to unlimited energy every day of your life.
Nov 5, 2021
19 min
Getting Out of the Personal Development Trap (and how to accelerate growth!)
Personal and professional development is at the basis of almost every entrepreneur's operating system. Being a personal development junkie can be a lot of fun and very rewarding - and it can also become a trap that leaves you feeling like you're constantly learning, but struggling to actually grow into new results. What's the difference between successful entrepreneurs and CEOs who read and learn on the regular, and struggling entrepreneurs who can't seem to integrate and live what they're learning? All of that, along with a special method for choosing books that will accelerate your growth, are right here in this episode.
Oct 22, 2021
17 min
Cross Calibration: New Technique to "Unstick" Any Block or Obstacle!
If you're like most entrepreneurs, you've got certain areas of your business where things just flow easily, and other areas where it seems like progress comes like pulling teeth. And ironically, oftentimes the things you want the most - or the areas where you have the greatest desire for progress - are the things that tend to be the most difficult. Today I'm sharing a technique I use called Cross Calibration. It's a simple process I use to "unstick" those areas of my business and life where progress and achievement have been stickier and to take those areas to a place of ease, flow, and progress.
Oct 15, 2021
19 min
Stop caring what other people think
You know the age-old idiom, comparison is the thief of joy.But how often are you letting your joy actually be stolen by this sneaky thief? In fact, you might wonder how often the success, love, money, and everything else you want is right in front of you and accessible to you, but energetically mismatched to you because of old habits of comparing yourself to others! If you can relate, this episode will highlight ways to catch comparison before it spins out of control, and how to begin shifting that feeling of not being enough to knowing that you are deeply loved and supported, and that everything is working out for you.
Oct 8, 2021
18 min
Turning Overwhelm into Focus on What Produces
It's easy to slip into a feeling of overwhelm. Monday morning rolls around, the weekend breeze is finished, and your brain starts going through all the many, many, many things you think you need to get done in order to have a "productive" week. And if you let your mind spin too far down this rabbit hole, you realize very quickly that there's just too much to do and that you're probably never going to get it all done. But what if there was a way to take on only the few things that matter, and to effortlessly see the rest managed by the wiser mind of the Universe? Grab the popcorn and your work journal, because that's what this episode is all about.
Oct 1, 2021
17 min
Time Is More Valuable than Money
If you're an entrepreneur, you likely have money tied to your goals and aspirations. That's perfect. AND, I'd like to dedicate an episode to a currency that is even more valuable than money: TIME. You see, you can always get more money. But time is a currency that can't be multiplied, saved up, or invested for later like money. It's the currency that has immense value because when you truly own your time, you find that you have the actual benefit people have been seeking when in pursuit of monetary wealth.
Sep 24, 2021
23 min
What Is “The Universe”?
The term "Universe" has become somewhat of a buzz word. But for soul-focused entrepreneurs, there is a deep sense of something majestic and powerful beneath it. It's one thing to say that "The Universe has your back," and it's an entirely different thing to live and breathe that belief. There's a sense of assurance and even invincibility that comes with tapping into that sense that your very existence is fueled by an undercurrent of well-being - that everything is working out for you - and that you have access to universal resources to create anything you dream of. If you're eager to tap into the depth of this power so that you truly feel you are creating the life you want, this episode is for you.
Sep 17, 2021
34 min
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