The Unified Growth Equation Podcast
The Unified Growth Equation
Shawheen Attar
#005 - Sarthak Kaul - Growth Through Habit-Building - episode of The Unified Growth Equation podcast

#005 - Sarthak Kaul - Growth Through Habit-Building

56 minutes Posted Feb 2, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
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Welcome to the Unified Growth Equation, where we’re on a mission to uncover the formula of what growth means across all aspects of life. In this podcast, we dive into topics ranging from self-development, health and fitness, entrepreneurship, life hacks, and more, all with the aim of unlocking what we are calling the unified growth equation.

Today we are joined by Sarthak Kaul. Sarthak is a truth seeker, aspiring storyteller, community creator, athlete and startup lover. We share many similar interests including health and fitness, podcasts, metaskills. Today, we’re going to be diving deep into our habits and routines. Given the new year and the fact that a New Years resolution only lasts about 3.5 months, we want to discuss what makes certain habits stick and others not so much.