Unapologetic As A Mother Podcast
Unapologetic As A Mother
JaVaughna Bevel & WILD MOMs Club
S10:E3- The Uncomfortable Truth About Your Comfort Zone - episode of Unapologetic As A Mother podcast

S10:E3- The Uncomfortable Truth About Your Comfort Zone

38 minutes Posted Jul 21, 2022 at 1:24 pm.
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"I realized that I was holing on to all this stuff because I didn't grow up having a lot. It's deeper than just collecting things."- Crystal C.
This episode finds JaVaughna, Tiffani and Crystal sharing vulnerable moments about being trapped in comfort zones that prevented growth, healing, acceptance and joy. Too often people stay in a place that is familiar, yet produces nothing they desire, because it has become easy to navigate. Comfort zones are good until they aren't, and when they no longer serve you, it's time to move! The scary thing is that most of us won't leave that place of "comfort" because the fear of the unknown paralyzes us. If you don't do anything else, do this one thing- GET UNCOMFORTABLE!!!! Your dreams, happiness and desired outcomes deserve a chance to flourish! 
Go to IG, @unapologeticasamother_podcast, and share some of your stories about releasing comfort to find your joy!!!!!