Unapologetic As A Mother Podcast
Unapologetic As A Mother
JaVaughna Bevel & WILD MOMs Club
Season 9 Episode 9: "Love Languages" - episode of Unapologetic As A Mother podcast

Season 9 Episode 9: "Love Languages"

41 minutes Posted Jul 13, 2021 at 7:17 pm.
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Do you know your love language? What about your significant other? The kids? On this episode, the ladies share their love languages and how understanding this simple idea is helping them become better women, mothers and partners. They talk about having different love languages than their partners and children and how that can be challenging. Everyone in your life is going need something different from you. But are you able to give them what they need if you don't know what it is? JaVaughna, Crystal and Tiffani share how knowing what you and the people you love need most, can help strengthen relationships and build healthy, happy families. 
If you want to take the test, go here www.5lovelanguages.com
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