The Two Little Jays Podcast

The Two Little Jays

The Two Little Jays
Josh and James form the Two Little Jays: two young guys from Brisbane with a few stories, a couple of life lessons and a whole bundle of poorly timed jokes, comments and social commentary to help you learn the pitfalls and advantages of being a young person in the 21st century.
Episode 12 - Work And Passion
Do you have, have ever had, intend to have or hope never to have a job? Then this is the episode for you! This week Josh and James talk about all things to do with employment including the good, the bad and the downright inspirational.
Nov 9, 2016
56 min
Episode 11 -Spontaneous And Reckless Decisions
Have you ever had that little voice in your head telling you to do something you shouldn't win? This week the boys are joined by John to talk all things crazy and reckless during one of their own spontaneous moments.
Nov 2, 2016
48 min
Episode 10 - Fad Diets
You are what you eat, so these fad diets may make you a little crazy. Josh and James list off some of the weirdest out there and show off their pseudo-nutritionist skills.
Oct 30, 2016
44 min