The TWIML AI Podcast (formerly This Week in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence)
The TWIML AI Podcast (formerly This Week in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence)
Sam Charrington
Language Parsing and Character Mining with Jinho Choi - TWiML Talk #206
47 minutes Posted Dec 5, 2018 at 2:31 pm.
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Today we’re joined by Jinho Choi, assistant professor of computer science at Emory University.
Jinho presented at the conference on ELIT, their cloud-based NLP platform. In our conversation, we discuss some of the key NLP challenges that Jinho and his group are tackling, including language parsing and character mining. We also discuss their vision for ELIT, which is to make it easy for researchers to develop, access, and deploying cutting-edge NLP tools models on the cloud.