The Turncoat Podcast

The Turncoat

Nick Smith
We are The Turncoats. Turning the coat on the politically correct, the traditional, or simply the “conventional” ways of covering stories, news or current affairs. To go against the grain, drop some bombs (figuratively speaking), shake things up, but most importantly, we strive to find the truth or as close to it as we can possibly get. Are you sick and tired of the same old main stream dribble? Do you find yourself screaming at the TV wishing the reporter would just speak the TRUTH? Well, we’re looking for people like you. Turn The Coat. JOIN US.
The Turncoat Ep-7 Part 2
It's time to stop calling this Virus a NEW VIRUS, its now 9-months into it's spread let's start acting like it. Dr Angela Rasmussen, virologist at Columbia University: Tests that confirm even Rhesus monkeys can't be re-infected with covid-19:
Jun 29, 2020