The Triumphant Agent Podcast Podcast
The Triumphant Agent Podcast
The Triumphant Agent
The 2020 Business and Goals Planner Episode - episode of The Triumphant Agent Podcast podcast

The 2020 Business and Goals Planner Episode

39 minutes Posted Feb 20, 2020 at 10:34 pm.
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When the ball dropped and we rang in the new year, all of us have big goals and dreams for our lives and real estate businesses. 

#NewYearNewMe and all the hope that a new year brings, the endless possibilities and the chance to blow your real estate business up. 

But have you ever heard the saying "A Goal without a PLAN is just a WISH"? 

So often agents "want" to grow their business but don't have a clear idea of where they are going and a step by step plan to get there. 

Until now! 

You know I have your back... so wanted to give you something to help with that. 

Here's my "2020 Business and Goals Planner" that we've used on my team and in my own business for the past decade. This EXACT planner has helped us bring in over $20,000,000 in cashed commission checks in our real estate business and can do the same for you!

If you haven't gotten your FREE download of the planner, go to and get your FREE copy! 

Then... this episode will walk you through it step by step!

Now, you can even print our your planner and use this as a guided exercise. So feel free to hit pause, build and dream and then come back to the next section. 

I believe you CAN have it all in your real estate business and life. 

But it takes a clear idea of what"SUCCESS"  looks like for you and a plan/strategy to get there. 

So listen to this episode, create your "Business and Life BY DESIGN" and go CRUSH 2020!